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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)RegulationsCivil Aviation Regulations, 2011Part 139 : Aerodromes and HeliportsSubpart 4 : Approval and Operation of Helistops139.04.11 General duties of holder of helistop approval |
(1) | The holder of helistop approval shall ensure that – |
(a) | the helistop is maintained in a serviceable condition; |
(b) | the helistop is kept free of unauthorized persons, vehicles or animals, in compliance with the Civil Aviation Act and these Regulations; |
(c) | all obstructions are marked as prescribed in Document SA-CATS |
(d) | the Director is notified of any alterations to or obstructions or workings on the helistop; |
(e) | a Wind Direction Indicator to show the surface direction of the wind, is installed and functions satisfactorily; |
(f) | the markings as prescribed in Document SA-CATS, are maintained in a conspicuous condition, readily visible to helicopters in the air or on the ground; |
(g) | the Director is informed whenever the helistop becomes unserviceable through any cause or whenever any portion of the surface of the touch-down area deteriorates to such an extent that the safety of a helicopter may thereby be endangered; |
(h) | such reports on the condition of the helistop as may be required from time to time, are submitted to the Director. |