Acts Online
GT Shield

Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 174 : Meteorological Information Services

Subpart 4 : Provision of Meteorological Information

174.04.16 Copies of meteorological observational data


(1) A meteorological service provider, upon request and to the extent practicable, shall make available meteorological observational data required for research, investigation, or operational analysis to—
(a) other meteorological service providers;
(b) air service operators; and
(c) any person concerned with the application of meteorology to international air navigation.


[Regulation 174.04.16 inserted by regulation 8(b) and (q) of Notice No. 5008, GG50880, dated 28 June 2024 (Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2024)]