R 385
Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (Act No. 68 of 2008)NoticesGuidelines to be followed by the National Consumer Commission in assessing applications for accreditation of consumer protection groups in terms of section 78 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (The CPA)Part A1. Preamble |
1.1. | The National Consumer Commission (The NCC) has identified the accreditation of Consumer Protection Groups as one of its priority initiatives for promotion of and compliance with the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA). |
1.2. | Section 78(3) of the CPA empowers the NCC to accredit Consumer Protection Groups that will protect the interests of consumers individually, or of consumers collectively, in any matter or before any forum contemplated in the CPA, and or intervene in any matter before any forum contemplated in the CPA, if the interest of consumer/s represented by that group are not otherwise adequately represented in the said forum. |
1.3. | Section 78(5) also empowers the NCC to put in place a monitoring system to ensure the effectiveness of the accredited Consumer Protection Group. The Minister has already promulgated Regulations in terms of section 78(6) of the CPA, relating to standards, procedures and related matters for the NCC to follow in assessing applicants for accreditation as Consumer Protection Groups. Despite the promulgation of such regulations, Consumer Protection Groups have not applied to the NCC for their accreditation. |
1.4. | The NCC has now undertaken to develop these guidelines to assist the interested Consumer Protection Groups and provide guidance on critical information required when applying for accreditation as a Consumer Protection Group in terms of section 78(3), read with regulation 38 of the CPA. |