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Continuing Education and Training Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006)SchedulesSchedule 1 : Standard College Statute (Section 18)Council10. Council meeting procedures |
(1) | The council members must participate in the deliberations of the council in the best interest of the college. |
(2) | Except where otherwise provided in this statute, all acts or matters authorised or required to be done or decided by the council or its committees and all questions that may come before it are done or decided by the majority of the members present at any meeting, provided that the number present at any meeting is at least half plus one of the total number of members of the council or its committees holding office on the date of such meeting. |
(3) | In the absence of the chairperson and the vice-chairperson of the council, the members present must elect one of their members to preside at such meeting. |
(4) | The first act of an ordinary meeting, after being constituted, is to read and confirm by the signature of the chairperson the minutes of the last preceding ordinary meeting and of any special meeting subsequently held, provided that the meeting may consider the minutes as read if a copy thereof was previously sent to every member of the council, provided further that objections to the minutes of a meeting are raised and decided before confirmation of the minutes. |
(5) | A member of the council may not, without the consent of the meeting, speak more than once to a motion or to any amendment and the mover of any motion or any amendment has the right of reply. |
(6) | Every motion or amendment must be seconded and,if so directed by the chairperson, must be in writing. |
(7) | A rmtion or an amendment seconded as contemplated in subsection (6) may not be withdrawn except with the consent of the meeting. |
(8) | The chairperson has a deliberative vote on any matter and, in the event of an equality of votes, also a casting vote. |
(9) | If so decided by the meeting, the number of members voting for or against any motion must be recorded in the minutes or, if so requested by any member, the chairperson must direct that such votes be recorded. |
(10) | When a majority of the members of the council reach agreement on a matter referred to them by the chairperson by letter or electronic means, without a meeting having been convened, and convey such resolution by letter or electronic means, such resolution is equivalent to a resolution of the council and must be recorded in the minutes of the next succeeding ordinary meeting. |
(11) | The views of a member of the council who is unable to attend a meeting may be submitted to the meeting in writing but may not count as a vote of such member. |
(12) | The ruling of the chairperson on a point of order or procedure is binding unless immediately challenged by a member, in which event such ruling must be submitted without discussion to the meeting whose decision is final. |