R 385
Schedule 1 : Standard College Statute (Section 18) |
7. Termination of membership and filling of vacancies
8. Election and term of office of chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary of council
10. Council meeting procedures
11. Conflict of interest of council members
13. Minutes of council and committee meetings
14. Drafting, amending or rescinding statute
15. Functions of academic board
16. Termination of membership of academic board
17. Composition of academic board
18. Term of office of members of academic board
19. Chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary of academic board
20. Meeting procedure of academic board
21. Committees of the academic board
22. Joint committees of council and academic board
26. Term of office of SRC members
32. Vice-principal and financial officer
33. Appointment of staff employed by college
36. Disciplinary code of staff
37. Representative organisation of employees
38. Admission and registration of students