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Defence Act, 1957 (Act No. 44 of 1957) Chapter X : Provisions Applicable in time of War or in connection with the Combating of Terrorism or in connection with an Armed Conflict outside the Republic or in connection with Internal Disorder or other Emergency103bis. Evacuation or concentration of persons |
During operations in defence of the Republic or for the prevention or suppression of terrorism or for the prevention or suppression of internal disorder in the Republic the Minister or any officer acting under his authority may, for the efficient defence or protection of the Republic or the prevention or suppression of terrorism or such internal disorder, by order made known in such manner as the Minister or any such officer may deem sufficient in the circumstances, require any person or all persons, or persons of any particular class, to evacuate within a time specified in the order or to assemble in any particular building, premises or area, and any such person who fails to comply with such an order which is applicable to him, shall be guilty of an offence: Provided that no order under this section to assemble in any building, premises or area shall remain in force for longer than four days.
[Section 103bis substituted by section 31 of Act No. 103 of 1982]