R 385
Chapter X : Provisions Applicable in time of War or in connection with the Combating of Terrorism or in connection with an Armed Conflict outside the Republic or in connection with Internal Disorder or other Emergency |
90. Employment of Permanent Force
91. Mobilization of Citizen Force, Reserve and commandos in time of war
92bis. Notification to persons called out
92ter. Persons performing service or undergoing training may be employed in terms of section 3(2)
93. Definition of expression 'any portion'
95. Compulsory service outside the Republic
96. Release and discharge from service
98. Appointment and proceedings of exemption boards
99. Security of harbours and aerodromes
99A. Safeguarding borders of Republic
102. Control and use of transport systems
103bis. Evacuation or concentration of persons
[Heading substituted by section 3 of Act No. 1 of 1976]