R 385
Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)NoticesDirections relating to National Environmental Management Permits and Licences during Alert Level 3AnnexuresAnnexure 5 : Permitting services to be provided by issuing authorities in terms of Part 8 of the National Environment Management: Waste Act (NEMWA) |
Annexure 5: Permitting services to be provided by issuing authorities in terms of Part 8 of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEMWA)
General provisions:
1. | The provision of services indicated in the table below, in addition to the specific requirements indicated in the table, is subject all the applicable health and safety and other restrictions, directions and requirements determined in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act. |
2. | If there is any uncertainty about whether an activity is allowed or not, the relevant official of the applicable authority should be approached for guidance and/or confirmation. |
Authority |
Service to be provided |
Mechanism for provision of the service |
NEMWA Part 8 General actions |
Queries |
Meetings conducted with external parties |
Acknowledgement of receipt of all documents received by the Department |
Site visits conducted |
Laboratory and other services required for site assessment purposes |
Notification of all decisions or communication issued by the Department |
Electronic Documents |
NEMWA New Part 8 Notifications |
Receipt of S36(5) notifications. |
Receipt of site assessment reports and remediation plans |
https://sfiler.environment.gov.za:8443/ |
Issuing of decisions |
Issuance of S36(6) Notices |
Pending Part 8 Decisions, Transfer of Orders/Remediation Orders, Amendments |
Receipt of applications for transfers/amendments of decisions |
Receipt of reports |
Issuing of decisions. |
NEMWA Part 8 General actions |
Queries |
Meetings conducted with external parties |
Acknowledgement of receipt of all documents received by the Department |
Site visits conducted |
Lab and other services required for site assessment purposes |
Notification of all decisions or communication issued by the Department |
Electronic Documents |
NEMWA New Part 8 Notifications |
Receipt of S36(5) notifications |
Receipt of site assessment reports and remediation plans |
https://sfiler.environment.gov.za:8443/ |
Issuing of decisions |
Issuance of S36(6) Notices |
Pending Part 8 Decisions, Transfer of Orders/Remediation Orders, Amendments |
Receipt of applications for transfers/amendments of decisions |
Receipt of reports. |
Issuing of decisions |