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Explosives Act, 1956 (Act No. 26 of 1956)
Explosives Act 1956
1. Definitions
2. Power of State President to appoint inspectors
3. Prohibition of manufacture of unauthorized explosives except in small quantities...
4. Prohibition of manufacture of authorized explosives except in licensed factories
5. Prohibition of storage or possession of unauthorized explosives...
6. Prohibition of storage of authorized explosives except in licensed premises
7. Licence necessary to deal in explosives
8. No importation or exportation of explosives without permit
8A. Prohibited acts relating to plastic explosives which are not marked...
8B. Furnishing chief inspector of explosives with information...
9. Prohibition of use of blasting materials without permit
10. Penalties
11. Owners and occupiers of existing factories entitles to a licence
12. Particulars to be stated in application
13. Notice of inquiry into expediency of granting licence and objections to such grant
14. Constitution, powers and duties of the commission
15. Powers of Minister to grant or refuse licence on consideration of the report...
16. Issue of licence by the Minister
17. Annual fees in respect of explosives manufactured
18. Amendment of licence by Minister
19. Transfer of licence by Minister
20. Revocation of licence by State President and lapsing thereof
21. Penalties for contravention of conditions of licence
22. Licensing of factories for the manufacture of explosives and magazines...
23. Powers of inspectors to enter and inspect factories... where explosives are stored
24. Penalties for obstructing inspector, or refusing to answer inquiries, etc
25. Power of inspector to order discontinuance of dangerous methods subject to appeal...
26. Duty of occupier of a factory to make special rules
27. Penalties for endangering safety or causing loss of life
28. Penalties for possession of explosives under certain circumstances
29. Power of regional courts to impose certain penalties
30. Regulations
31. Application of this Act
31A. (Repealed) Application of Act to South-West Africa
32. Repeal of laws
33. Short title
Explosives Regulations
1. Interpretation of Terms
2. Manufacture of Explosives on Explosives Factories
3. Packing and Marking of Explosives
4. Importation and Exportation of Explosives
5. Harbour Regulations
6. Transport of Explosives
7. Licensing and Construction of Magazines
8. Storage of Blasting Materials
9. Storage and Sale of Blasting Materials and Fireworks by Licensed Dealers
10. Use of Blasting Materials
11. Accidents and Inquiries
12. Trespass
13. Appeals
14. Test of Explosives
15. Miscellaneous Regulations
1. Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives
Technical Annex
2. Laws Repealed
Laws Repealed
Authorised Explosives
List of Authorised Explosives
Explosives Bill, 2002
1. Application Of Act And Amendment Of Schedule 3
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
3. Amendment of Schedule 3
2. Appointment And Powers Of Inspectors And Disposal Of Explosives
4. Appointment of Chief Inspector and inspectors
5. Inspections
6. Entry and search of premises
7. Forfeiture
8. Destruction of explosives
9. Prints and samples for investigation purposes
3. Manufacture, dealing, importation, exportation and packaging of explosives
10. Keeping, storage, possession or transportation of explosives
11. Prohibition of transportation of explosives under certain conditions
12. Certificate in respect of explosives manufacturing site and licence for explosives maga
13. License to deal in explosives
14. Manufacturing of explosives
15. Prohibition on use of explosives without permit
16. Possession of imitation of explosives
17. Importation and exportation of explosives
18. Packaging of explosives
19. Prohibition in respect of unauthorised explosives
4. Record Keeping
20. Database
21. Record keeping
5. Endangering Life or Property
22. Endangering life or property
6. Presumptions
23. Presumption of possession of explosives under certain circumstances
24. Presumption relating to failure to report
25. Presumption relating to failure to take reasonable steps
7. Plastic Explosives
26. Acts relating to unmarked plastic explosives
27. Information regarding plastic explosives
8. Offences, Penalties, Jurisdiction and Appeals
28. Offences
29. Penalties
30. Declaration of persons as unfit to possess explosives
31. Jurisdiction
32. Appeals
9. Regulations
33. Regulations
10. Repeal of Laws and Transitional Provisions
34. Repeal of laws and transitional provision
35. Short title and commencement
1. Laws Repealed
2. Crimes and offences giving rise to unfitness enquiry by court
3. Convention on the marking of plastic explosives for the purpose of detection
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