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Table of Contents
Friendly Societies Act, 1956 (Act No. 25 of 1996)
Chapter I : Administration and Application and Interpretation of Terms
1. Definitions
1A. Relationship between Act and Financial Sector Regulation Act
1B. Regulatory instruments
2. Objects for which friendly societies may be established
3. Application of Act
4. [Repealed] Authority and Deputy Registrar of Friendly Societies
4A. [Repealed]
Chapter II : Registration and Incorporation
5. Registration of friendly societies
6. Societies not to be registered under idential or similar names
7. Effect of registration of friendly society
8. Allocation of assets and liabilities between friendly society and other associated business
Chapter III : Administration and Powers of Registered Societies
9. Registered office
10. Principal officer
11. Appointment, powers and duties of auditor
12. Business which may be carried on
13. Matters to be included in rules
14. Amendment of rules
15. Binding force of rules
16. Membership of minors
17. Membership of married women
18. Payment of benefits to nominees
19. Restriction of payments on death of children under fourteen years of age
20. Investments
21. Amalgamations and transfers
Chapter IV : Documents to be Deposited with Authority
22. Accounts
22A. Authority may order submission of accounts and other documents in connection with control and administration of societies
23. Valuations by a valuator in respect of business subject to actuarial scrutiny
24. Statement of liabilities
25. Statement of assets
26. Requirements in regard to documents to be deposited with Authority
27. Authority may reject returns
28. Authority may require additional particulars in case of certain applications and returns
29. Inspection of documents
30. Effect of Authority's certificate on documents
Chapter V : Enquiries and Investigations, Applications to Court, Cancellation or Suspension of Registration and Dissolution of Societies
31. Enquiries
32. [Repealed] Powers of inspection
33. Applications to court
34. Judicial management
35. Winding-up by the court
36. Cancellation or suspension of registration
37. Voluntary or automatic dissolution of society
38. Special provisions relating to liquidation of societies
38A. Application for approval for conversion of society into company
38B. Incorporation as company
38C. Effects of conversion of friendly society into company
Chapter VI : Special Provisions Applicable to Affiliated Friendly Societies
39. Definitions
40. Special provisions applicable to affiliated societies and central societies
41. Secessions and expulsions of affiliated societies
Chapter VII : General and Miscellaneous
42. Carrying on business of unregistered friendly society and use of designation "friendly society"
43. Authority may require unregistered societies to furnish information
43A. Authority may impose limit on expenses of management and prescribe basis for calculation thereof
44. [Repealed] Authority may extend certain periods
45. [Repealed] Annual report by Authority
46. Right to obtain copies of or to inspect documents
47. Regulations
48. Penalties
48A. Protection of moneys due on retirement of member
48B. Protection of moneys due on death of member
49. Exemption from Act 57 of 1988
50. [Repealed]
51. Repeal of laws
52. [Repealed]
53. Short title and commencement
Notice No. R. 479 of 1966
Part I : Manner in which and Time within which Appeals to the Minister are to be Prosecuted under Section Four
Part II : Documents and Particulars to be Furnished when Applying for Registration under Section Five
Part III : Financial Statements, Reports and Statistics to be Furnished by Registered Societies
Part IV : Signing of Documents
Part V : Auditors
Part VI : Principal Officer
Part VII : General
Annexure to Regulation 29
First Schedule
Statement A
Statement B
Statement C
Statement D
Statement E
Statement F
Statement G
Statement H
Statement I
Statement J
Statement K
Second Schedule
Amendment of Prescribed Fees
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