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Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973)


Regulations relating to Lead in Paint or Coating Materials, 2024 - effective May 2025

4. Compliance declaration certification


(1) Manufacturers and importers of paint or similar coating materials must before commercial distribution and importation, issue a lead content standard compliance declaration certificate for the first production batch or lot of paint or similar coating material of all manufactured and imported products and in the event of a material change.


(2) The required compliance declaration certificate under these Regulations must correspond with the form prescribed in Annexure A.


(3) The compliance declaration certificate must be in English, be legible and may also be accompanied by a translation in another language.


(4) Manufacturers and importers of paints or similar coating materials must submit or produce a copy of the compliance declaration certificate, in hard or electronic copy to inspectors and to the Department of Health upon request, and in the event of material change, manufactures and importers must submit or produce such certificate within three months and must make the compliance certificate available on their website.


(5) The compliance declaration certificate must be made available immediately following the effective date of the Regulations and in the event of a material change, manufacturers and importers must submit such certificate within three months.