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Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973)


Regulations relating to Lead in Paint or Coating Materials, 2024 - effective May 2025

5. Sampling and analysis for compliance monitoring


(1) An inspector must, for purposes of compliance and monitoring sample paint or similar coating materials for laboratory  lead  concentration analysis  as prescribed in Government Gazette Notice R. 453 of 25 March 1977, Group I Hazardous Substances Regulations under the Act.


(2) An inspector may use a calibrated portable analysing device to instantly determine an indication of the presence and level of lead in dried samples of paint or similar coating materials for the purposes of testing compliance with the 90-ppm total lead limit.


(3) The results of the calibrated portable analysing device must be used by the inspector to detain and seize paint or similar coating materials that is not in compliance with the permissible 90-ppm total lead concentration limit and subject such paint or similar coating materials to laboratory testing and analysis.


(4) Analysts must use internationally recognised sampling procedures, quality assurance principles and analytical methods that are prescribed in the standards published by the International Standards Organization (ISO) or ASTM International, including but not limited to the list in Annexure B.