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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and ArbitrationRules for the Conduct of Proceedings before the CCMASchedulesSchedule OneAddresses of the Department of Labour : Labour CentresNorth West |
Reinaldo Building, Corner McClean and Korporasie Streets, Brits
P O Box 2978, Brits, 0250
Tel: (012) 252 3068; Fax: (012) 252 3091
Suidwes Building, 3 Pretorius Street, Christiana
P O Box 558, Christiana, 2680
Tel: (053) 441 2120; Fax: (053) 441 2278
Corner Voortrekker and Anderson Streets, Klerksdorp
P O Box 461, Klerksdorp, 2570
Tel: (018) 464 8700; Fax: (018) 462 7751
45 Church Street, Lichtenburg, 2748
P O Box 1162, Lichtenburg, 2740
Tel: (018) 632 4323; Fax: (018) 632 1895
25 Lex Court Building, Tillard Street, Mafikeng
Private Bag X2154, Mafikeng, 2754
Tel: (018) 381 1010/11; Fax: (018) 381 5231
Block K, Ground Floor, Mogwase Shopping Complex, Mogwase
Private Bag X1023, Mogwase, 0314
Tel: (014) 555 5693; Fax: (014) 555 5663
Old Volkskas Building, 90 Church Street, Potchefstroom
P O Box 1001, Potchefstroom, 2520
Tel: (018) 297 5100; Fax: (018) 294 6853
1st Floor, Shoprite Checkers Building, Church Street, Rustenburg
P O Box 262, Rustenburg, 0300
Tel: (014) 592 8214; Fax: (014) 597 1288
Stand 232, Behind Taung Station Post Office, Taung Station
P O Box 518, Taung Station, 8580
Tel: (053) 994 1679; Fax: (053) 994 1478
27 Nelson Street, Vryburg, 8600
P O Box 1822, Vryburg, 8600
Tel: (053) 927 5221; Fax: (053) 927 5006