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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and ArbitrationRules for the Conduct of Proceedings before the CCMASchedulesSchedule OneAddresses of the Department of Labour : Labour CentresNorthern Cape |
Department of Labour, 21 Dorp Street, Calvinia
P O Box 68, Calvinia, 8190
Tel: (027) 341 1280; Fax: (027) 341 1281
De Aar
New Lisbon Building, 23 Main Street, Corner Main and Voortrekker Streets, De Aar
P O Box 622, De Aar, 7000
Tel: (053) 631 0455; Fax: (053) 631 1172
Laboria House, Corner Pniel & Compound Streets, Kimberley, 8300
Private Bag x 5012, Kimberley, 8300
Tel: (053) 838 1500; Fax: (053) 838 1618
Magistrate Complex, 818 Seweding Road, Kuruman
P O Box 2467, Kuruman, 8460
Tel: (053) 712 3870; Fax: (053) 712 3953
Laboria House, 46 Main Street, Postmasburg
PO Box 774, Postmasburg, 8420
Tel: (053) 313 0641; Fax: (053) 313 1569
126B Overberg Avenue, Springbok
P O Box 510, Springbok, 8240
Tel: (027) 718 1058/9; Fax: (027) 712 2433
Old Post Office Building, Schroder Street, Upington
P O Box 476, Upington, 8800
Tel: (054) 331 1098; Fax: (054) 332 2654