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Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944)RegulationsRules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings on the Magistrates' Courts of South Africa48. Administration orders |
(1) | A creditor who, in terms of section 74F(3) of the Act, wishes to object to any debt listed with an administration order or to the manner in which the order commands payments to be made, shall do so within 20 days after the granting of the order has come to his or her notice. |
(2) | A creditor who, in terms of section 74G(10)(b) of the Act, wishes to object to any debt included in the list of creditors shall, within 15 days after he or she has received a copy of the administration order, notify the administrator in writing of his or her objections and the grounds whereupon his or her objections are based. |
(3) | In a matter referred to in subrule (2) the administrator shall obtain from the registrar or clerk of the court a suitable day and time for the hearing of the objections by the court and thereupon, in writing, notify the creditor referred to in subrule (2), the debtor and any other involved creditors, of the said day and time. |
(4) | An administrator may, in terms of section 74L(1)(b) of the Act, before making a distribution referred to in that section detain an amount not exceeding 25 per cent of the amount collected to cover the costs that he or she may have to incur if the debtor is in default or disappears: Provided that the amount in the possession of the administrator for this purpose at any stage shall not exceed the amount of R600. |
(5) | Should an administrator be an officer employed by the State the remuneration referred to in section 74L of the Act shall accrue to the State. |