National Credit Act, 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005)
R 385
Manpower Training Act, 1981 (Act No. 56 of 1981)Chapter 4 : Training Centres36A. Fund for Training of Unemployed Persons |
1) | There is hereby established a fund to be known as "the Fund for the Training of Unemployed Persons", hereinafter in this section referred to as the fund, into which shall be paid - |
a) | money appropriated by Parliament for the fund from time to time; |
b) | money appropriated by interest groups in the private sector for the fund from time to time; |
c) | any other money which may accrue to the fund from any other source; and |
d) | interest earned in terms of subsection (9). |
2) | The money in the fund shall be utilised for financing training whereby unemployed persons are equipped with working skills to facilitate their entry into the labour market. |
3) | The control and administration of the fund shall be vested in the Director-General, who shall in this regard be advised by a committee consisting of 11 members appointed by the Minister, and which shall be constituted as follows: |
a) | The Director-General or an officer of the Department designated by him for that purpose, who shall be the chairman; |
b) | seven members representing the private sector; |
c) | two officers from the Department; and |
d) | the chairman of the board. |
4) | The said committee shall, in relation to training whereby unemployed persons may be equipped with working skills to enter the labour market, advise the Director-General on - |
a) | work categories in which unemployed persons should be trained; |
b) | the granting of contracts for the training of unemployed persons; |
c) | the standards that should apply to the training of unemployed persons; |
d) | the placement in employment of trained unemployed persons; and |
e) | any other matter connected with the training of unemployed persons and their placement in lucrative employment in the labour market. |
5) | The period of office of members of the committee mentioned in subsection (3)(b) and (c) shall be one year, and such members may at the expiry of their period of office be reappointed by the Minister. |
6) | A vacancy which occurs in the committee shall be filled by a person appointed by the Minister, which person shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the period of office of his predecessor, and may on the expiry of his period of office be re-appointed by the Minister. |
7) | The chairman of the committee shall determine in consultation with the other members of the committee the times and venues of meetings of the committee and the procedure to be followed at meetings, and he shall report at each meeting of the committee on - |
a) | payments from the fund; and |
b) | the collection of money appropriated or owed to the fund, or which accrues to the fund. |
8) |
a) | The Director-General shall for the purposes of the Exchequer and Audit Act, 1975 (Act No. 66 of 1975), be the accounting officer in relation to the affairs of the fund, and shall keep a proper record of all money paid into and out of the fund. |
b) | The accounts relating to the fund shall be audited by the Auditor-General. |
9) | Any money in the fund which is not required for immediate use shall be invested with the Corporation for Public Deposits and may be withdrawn when required for use. |
10) | Any unexpended balance in the fund at the end of any financial year shall be carried forward as a credit in the fund to the ensuing financial year. |
11) | The committee shall furnish the Minister on a six-monthly basis with a report on its activities and the balance of the fund. |
12) | The secretarial work of the committee shall be performed by officers and employees serving in the Department who shall be designated for this purpose by the Director-General. |
13) | The provisions of section 31B(8) and (10) shall mutatis mutandis apply in respect of a committee appointed in terms of this section. |