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Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)15. Introduction of levies |
(1) | No levy shall be introduced, amended or repealed in terms of this Act unless the parliamentary committees have been consulted regarding such introduction, amendment or repeal. |
(2) | Within 30 days after the Council's recommendations on proposed levies have been submitted to the parliamentary committees, they shall make a decision on such levies. |
(3) | If the parliamentary committees do not approve the recommendations of the Council they shall publish the reasons for their decision in the Gazette within 30 days of such decision. |
(4) | The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, introduce a levy on an agricultural product or class thereof, which notice shall, in addition to the requirements of section 13, contain the following particulars, namely- |
(a) | the amount of such levy, or the formula by which such a levy shall be calculated: Provided that the value of the levies on a particular agricultural product shall not exceed, in total, five percent of the guideline price for such agricultural product, which guideline price shall— |
(i) | be based on an average price at its first point of sale during a preceding period not exceeding three years; and |
(ii) | be determined by the Minister in consultation with the Council by notice in the Gazette; |
(b) | the persons by whom and to whom, the time at which, and the conditions under which, the levy shall be paid; |
(c) | the different levies introduced on different classes of agricultural products and at different points in the marketing chain between the producer and consumer for each such class, subject to paragraph (a); |
(d) | regarding the auditing of the collection of such levies and the particular purposes for which such levies are used. |