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Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)
Notice No. 1597 of 1996
1. Definitions
2. Intervention in marketing of agricultural products
3. Establishment of National Agricultural Marketing Council
4. Constitution of Council
5. Meetings and recommendations of Council
6. Vacation of office by member of Council
7. Committees of Council
8. Personnel of Council and conditions of service
8A. Financing of Council
9. Functions of Council
10. Request for establishment, continuation, amendment or repeal of statutory measure
11. Consideration of request
12. Recommendations to Council by provincial government
13. Establishment, amendment or revocation of statutory measure
14. Implementation of statutory measures
15. Introduction of levies
16. Control of exports of agricultural products
17. Conducting of pools
18. Records and returns
19. Registration
20. Register of directly affected groups
21. Inspectors
22. Prohibition of import and export of agricultural product
23. Transparency and confidentiality
24. Offences and penalties
25. Delegation of powers
26. Regulation of assets, liabilities and contractual rights and
27. Repeal of Acts, and savings
28. Short title
2008 Notices
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Maize and Wheat Imports and Exports
Notice No. 605 of 2008
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records to be kept in respect of maize and wheat
6. Returns to be submitted by end-consumers, importers, storers, exporters and processors of maize and wheat
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Maize, Oilseeds, Sorghum and Winter Cereal
Notice No. 606 of 2008
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records to be kept by end-consumers, importers, storers, exporters and processors of maize, oilseeds, sorghum and winter cereal
6. Returns to be rendered by end-consumers, importers, storers, exporters or processors of maize, oilseeds, sorghum and winter cereal
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure - Registration of certain persons in respect of Maize, Oilseeds, Sorghum and Winter Cereal
Notice No. 607 of 2008
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Registration of end-consumers, importers, storers, exporters and processors of maize, oilseeds, sorghum and winter cereal
6. Application for registration as end-consumer, importer, storer, exporter or processor of maize, oilseeds, sorghum and winter cereal
7. Commencement and period of validity
2014 Notices
Establishment of Statutory Measure - Records and Returns in respect of Maize Products and Wheaten Products
Notice No. R. 884 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of statutory measure and its relation to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measures applies
5. Records to be kept by manufacturers, importers and exporters
6. Returns to be submitted by manufacturers, importers and exporters
7. Effective date
Establishment of Statutory Measure - Registrations in respect of Manufacturers, Importers and Exporters of Maize Products and Wheaten Products
Notice No. R. 885 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of statutory measure and its relation to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Registration of manufacturers, importers and exporters
6. Application for registration as manufacturer, importer or exporter
7. Effective date
2016 Notices
Establishment of Statutory Measure - Registration in respect of Manufacturers, Importers and Exporters of Oilseeds Products
Notice No. R. 1153 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and its relation to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Registration of manufacturers, importers and exporters of oilseeds products
6. Application for registration as manufacturer, importer or exporter of oilseeds products
7. Effective date
Establishment of Statutory Measure - Records and Returns in respect of Oilseeds Products
Notice No. R. 1262 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and its relation to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records to be kept by manufacturers, importers and exporters
6. Returns to be submitted by manufacturers, importers and exporters
7. Effective Date
2017 Notices
Wine Industry : Implementation of Statutory Measures and Determination of Guideline Prices
Notice No. R. 1336 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of continuation of statutory measures and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measures shall apply
4. Area in which statutory measures shall apply
5. Registration statutory measure
6. Records and returns statutory measure
7. Research statutory levy
8. Export statutory levy
9. Information statutory levy
10. Transformation statutory levy
11. Period of validity
[Substituted] Continuation of Statutory Levies on Milk and other Dairy Products and the Determination of Guideline Prices in respect of Milk and other Dairy Products
Notice No. 1398 of 2017
2018 Notices
Establishment of Levy and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levy on Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Red Meat, Red Meat Products, Processed Pork, Hides and Skins
Notice No. 846 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of the levy and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the levy applies
4. Area in which the levy shall apply
5. Imposition of the levy
6. Persons by whom and to whom the levy shall be payable
7. Guideline prices
8. Payment and enforcement of the Levy
9. Escalation
10. Use of the levy
11. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Role-Players in the Red Meat Industry
Notice No. 844 of 2018
Notice No. 844 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which this statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Registration and the enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and period of validity
Notice No. 827 of 2020
Notice No. 827 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which this statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Registration and the enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure : Registration by Sellers of Table Eggs to the Trade
Notice No. 750 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measures and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which the statutory measure shall apply
4. Area in which statutory measure shall apply
5. Registration and enforcement
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Price: Levies relating to Table Eggs
Notice No. 748 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Employment of Statutory Levies
4. Product to which statutory measure applies
5. Area in which statutory measure applies
6. Determination of guideline price
7. Amount of levy
8. Persons by whom levy is payable
9. Payment and enforcement of levy
10. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices : Levy relating to Cotton Lint
Notice No. R. 736 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom levy is payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Conditions of approval
10. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Exporters, Importers, Processors, Producers and Purchasers of Cotton
Notice No. R. 735 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Exporters, Importers, Processors and Purchasers of Cotton
Notice No. R. 734 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records and returns to be kept and submitted by exporters, importers, processors, and purchasers of cotton
6. Commencement and period of validity
2019 Notices
Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Price : Levies relating to Pigs
Notice No. 1272 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measures and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Employment of statutory levies
4. Product to which statutory measure applies
5. Area in which statutory measure applies
6. Determination of guideline price
7. Amount on levy
8. Persons by whom levy is payable
9. Payment and enforcement of levy
10. Commencement and period of validity
Continuation of Statutory Measures : Registration by Abattoirs and Exporters of Live Pigs
Notice No. 1271 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measures and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which the statutory measure shall apply
4. Area in which statutory measure shall apply
5. Registration and enforcement
6. Commencement and period of validity
Continuation of Statutory Measures : Records and Returns by Abattoirs and Exporters of Live Pigs
Notice No. 1270 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept, returns to be rendered and the enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure : Records and Returns in respect of Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Grapes and Citrus Fruit
Notice No. R. 580 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept by stakeholders of the fruit industry
6. Returns to be rendered by stakeholders of the fruit industry
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure : Determination of Guideline Prices and Levies relating to Potatoes
Notice No. R. 97 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of this statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Employment of statutory levies
4. Products to which statutory measure applies
5. Area in which statutory measure applies
6. Determination of guideline prices
7. Amount of levies
8. Persons by whom levies are payable
9. Payment of levy
10. Commencement and validity
2020 Notices
Establishment of Statutory Measure : Registration of Milk Producers
Notice No. 90 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Administration of the measure
4. Product to which statutory measure applies
5. Area in which statutory measure applies
6. Registration of parties concerned
7. Application for registration
8. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure : Records and Returns by Milk Producers
Notice No. 91 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of aim of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Administration of the measure
4. Product to which the statutory measure applies
5. Area in which the statutory measure applies
6. Records and returns to be kept and submitted by milk producers
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure : Records and Returns by Abattoirs and other Role-Players in the Red Meat Industry
Notice No. 826 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which this statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept, returns to be rendered and the enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Levy and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levy on Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Red Meat, Red Meat Products, Processed Pork
Notice No. 828 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of the levy and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the levy applies
4. Area in which the levy shall apply
5. Imposition of the levy
6. Persons by whom and to whom the levy shall be payable
7. Guideline prices
8. Payment and enforcement of the Levy
9. Escalation
10. Use of the levy
11. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Fynbos Products
Notice No. R. 983 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Person by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Packers and Exporters of Fynbos Products
Notice No. R. 984 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Fynbos Products as well as Production and Export Information of Fynbos Products
Notice No. R. 985 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Wheat, Barley and Oats
Notice No. R. 1027 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom the levies are payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Exporters of Table Grapes
Notice No. R. 1135 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Table Grapes
Notice No. R. 1136 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measures applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom levy and to whom levy is payable
8. Payment Levy
9. Use of levy
10. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to persons involved in the export of fresh citrus fruit
Notice No. R. 1296 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Persons to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Vines; as well as Production & Market Information of Table Grapes
Notice No. R. 1137 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Processors and Importers of Table Olives and Olive Oil
Notice No. R. 1238 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purposes and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Olive Trees as well as Domestic Production and Processing of Table Olives and Olive Oil, and Importation of Table Olives and Olive Oil
Notice No. R. 1239 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Table Olives and Olive Oil
Notice No. R. 1240 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of a Differentiated Levy on Planted Hectares for Funding of an Integrated Area Wide Fruit Fly Control Programme in Specified Production Areas
Notice No. R. 1276 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of the levy
10. Persons by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
11. Payment of a differentiated levy
12. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of persons involved in the export of fresh citrus fruit
Notice No. R. 1297 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Persons to whom statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Registration
6. Commencement and validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies on fresh citrus fruit intended for Export
Notice No. R. 1298 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom levy is payable
8. Manner and time of levy payment
9. Commencement and validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Dried Vine Fruit
Notice No. R. 1299 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measures and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom levy is payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Use of levy
10. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Dried Vine Fruit
Notice No. R. 1300 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records to be kept by importers, packers, exporters and processors of dried vine fruit
6. Returns to be rendered by importers, packers, exporters and processors of dried vine fruit
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of certain persons in respect of Dried Vine Fruit
Notice No. R. 1301 of 2020
1. Definitions
1. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
2. Products to which statutory measure applies
3. Area in which statutory measure applies
4. Registration of importers, packers, exporters, processors and marketers of dried vine fruit
5. Application for registration as importer, packers, exporter or processor of dried vine fruit
6. Commencement and period of validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Persons dealing with Wool in the course of trade
Notice No. 1349 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which Statutory Measure applies
4. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
5. Registration of Producers, Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters
6. Application for Registration as Producer, Broker, Trader or Wool Buyer, Processor, Importer and Exporter
7. Commencement and Period of Validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters of Wool
Notice No. 1350 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which Statutory Measure applies
4. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
5. Records to be kept by Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters
6. Returns to be rendered by Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters
7. Commencement and Period of Validity
2021 Notices
Continuation of Statutory Measure regarding Records and Returns in respect of Milk and other Dairy Products
Notice No. 1652 of 2021
1. Definitions
2 - 8.
Continuation of Statutory Measure for the Registration of Persons involved in the Secondary Dairy Industry
Notice No. 1651 of 2021
1. Definitions
2 - 9.
Continuation and Establishment of Statutory Measures and Determination of Guideline Prices : Wine Industry : Effective 1 Janaury 2022
Notice No. R. 831 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of continuation and establishment of statutory measures and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measures apply
4. Area in which statutory measures shall apply
5. Registration measure
6. Returns measure
7. Research levy
8. Export levy
9. Information levy
10. Brandy levy
11. Ethical trade levy
12. Transformation levy
13. Commencement and validity
Continuation of Statutory Levies on Milk and other Dairy Products and the Determination of Guideline Prices in respect of Milk and other Dairy Products
Notice No. 1653 of 2021
1. Definitions
2 - 10.
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Lupine : Effective 1 October 2021
Notice No. R. 571 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom levies are payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Conditions of approval
10. Commencement and period of validity
2022 Notices
Continuation of Statutory Levies on Table Eggs as prescribed by Regulation R.345, as amended and on Egg Products sold to the Trade and Determination of Guideline Price - Effective 1 April 2022
Notice No. 1679 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of the Statutory Measures and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Employment of Statutory Levies
4. Product to which Statutory Measure applies
5. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
6. Determination of Guideline Price
7. Amount of Levy
8. Persons by whom Levy is payable
9. Payment and Enforcement of Levy
10. Commencement and Period of Validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure regarding the Registration of Sellers of Table Eggs as prescribed by Regulation R.345, as amended and Egg Products sold to the Trade
Notice No. 1680 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of the Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which the Statutory Measure shall apply
4. Area in which Statutory Measure shall apply
5. Registration and Enforcement
6. Commencement and Period of Validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure regarding Records and Returns by Sellers of Table Eggs as prescribed by Regulation R. 345, as amended and Egg Products sold to the Trade - Effective 1 April 2022
Notice No. 1681 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the Statutory Measure applies
4. Area in which Statutory Measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept, Returns to be rendered and the Enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and Period of Validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of a Differentiated Ad Hoc Levy on Planted Fruit Hectares for Funding of an Area Wide Bactrocera Dorsalis Eradication Programme in Specified Production Areas
Notice No. R. 1766 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Areas in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of the levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
8. Payment of a differentiated levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Weekly Maize, Wheat, Soybeans and Sunflower Seed Producer Deliveries
Notice No. R. 2161 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Areas in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept by end-consumers, storers, exporters (with or without premises) and processors of maize, wheat, soybeans and sunflower seed
6. Returns to be submitted by end-consumers, exporters with premises and processors of maize, wheat, soybeans and sunflower seed
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Abattoirs and other Role-Players in the Red Meat Industry
Notice No. R. 2616 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which this statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept, returns to be rendered and the enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and period of validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Price: Levies relating to Pigs : Effective 1 November 2022
Notice No. R. 2180 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of the Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Employment of Statutory Levies
4. Product to which the Statutory Measure applies
5. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
6. Determination of Guideline Price
7. Amount of Levy
8. Persons by whom Levy is Payable
9. Payment and Enforcement of Levy
10. Commencement and Period of Validity
Continuation of Statutory Measures: Records and Returns by Abattoirs and Exporters of Live Pigs : Effective 1 November 2022
Notice No. R. 2181 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of the Statutory Measure and the Relation thereof to the Objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the Statutory Measure applies
4. Area in which Statutory Measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept, Returns to be rendered and the Enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and Period of Validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure: Registration by Abattoirs and Exporters of Live Pigs : Effective 1 November 2022
Notice No. R. 2182 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of the Statutory Measure and the Relation thereof to the Objectives of the Act
3. Product to which the Statutory Measure shall apply
4. Area in which Statutory Measure shall apply
5. Registration and Enforcement
6. Commencement and Period of Validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Role-Players in the Red Meat Industry
Notice No. R. 2614 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which this statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Registration and the enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Levy and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levy on Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Red Meat
Notice No. R. 2615 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of the levy and the relation thereof to the objective of the Act
3. Products to which the levy applies
4. Area in which the levy shall apply
5. Imposition of the levy
6. Persons by whom and to whom the levy shall be payable
7. Guideline prices
8. Payment and enforcement of the Levy
9. Levy and escalation
10. Use of the levy
11. Commencement and periocd of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Macadamia Growers, Processors, Consolidators, Importer, Exporters of Macadamia Nuts and Nurseries
Notice No. R. 2724 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Registration
7. Failure to comply with the statutory measures in this schedule
8. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Macadamia Nuts
Notice No. R. 2725 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons / entities who shall pay the levy
8. Payment of levy
9. Administration of levies
10. Failure to comply with the statutory measures in this schedule
11. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Macadamias Domestic Production, Processing, Imports, Exports of Macadamia Nuts as well as Trees
Notice No. R. 2726 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Failure to comply with the statutory measures in this schedule
7. Commencement and period of validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Price: Levy relating to Soybeans
Notice No. R. 2699 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which Statutory Measure applies
4. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
5. Imposition of Levy
6. Amount of Levy
7. Persons by whom Levies are Payable
8. Payment of Levy
9. Conditions of Approval
10. Commencement and Period of Validity
2023 Notices
Establishment of a Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Processors and Persons dealing in Lucerne Seed and Lucerne Hay
Notice No. R. 3097 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Lucerne Seed and Lucerne Hay
Notice No. R. 3098 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levies
6. Amount of levies
7. Persons by whom levies are payable
8. Payment of levies
9. Administration of levies
10. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Processors, Producers and Persons dealing in Lucerne Seed and Lucerne Hay
Notice No. R. 3099 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of lucerne seed and lucerne hay dealers, processors and producers
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Levy and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Imported Meat and Poultry
Notice No. R. 3191 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of the Statutory Measure
3. Employment of Statutory Levies
4. Product to which the Statutory Measure applies
5. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
6. Determination of Guideline Price
7. Imposition of the Levy
8. Persons by whom Levy is payable
9. Payment and Enforcement of Levy
10. Commencement and Period of Validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Importers of Meat, Poultry Meat and Mechanically Deboned Meat
Notice No. R. 3192 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of this Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to the Objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the Statutory Measure applies
4. Area in which Statutory Measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept, Returns to be rendered and the enforcement thereof
6. Commencement and Period of Validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Berries, Citrus Fruit, Dried Grapes, Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Subtropical Fruit and Table Grapes
Notice No. R. 3223 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept by stakeholders of the fruit industry
6. Returns to be rendered by stakeholders of the fruit industry
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Certain Persons in respect of Berries, Citrus Fruit, Dried Grapes, Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Subtropical Fruit and Table Grapes
Notice No. R. 3224 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of exporters or stakeholders of pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, berries subtropical fruit and dried grapes industry
6. Application for registration as exporter, grower or other stakeholder in berries, citrus fruit, dried grapes, pome fruit, stone fruit, subtropical fruit and table grapes industries
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Certification Bodies, Fresh Produce Markets, Importers, Exporters, Packaging Material Importers, Packaging Material Manufacturers, Potato Producers, Pre-Packers and Processors
Notice No. R. 3611 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records and returns to be kept and submitted
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Certification Bodies, Exporters, Fresh Produce Markets, Importers, Market Agents, Packaging Material Importers, Packaging Material Manufacturers, Potato Producers, Pre-Packers, Processors and Traders
Notice No. R. 3613 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of continuation of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Determination of Guideline Prices and Levies relating to Potatoes
Notice No. R. 3614 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Employment of statutory levies
4. Products to which statutory measure applies
5. Area in which statutory measure applies
6. Determination of guideline prices
7. Amount of levies
8. Persons by whom levies are payable
9. Payment of levy
10. Commencement and validity
Wine Industry: Amendment of Statutory Measures and Determination of Guideline Prices
Notice No. R. 3615 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the amendment of statutory measures and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measures apply
4. Area in which the statutory measures shall apply
5. Registration statutory measure
6. Returns statutory measure
7. Research, development and information statutory levy
8. Export statutory levy
9. Brandy statutory levy
10. Period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Lupins - effective 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2025
Notice No. R. 3744 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom levies are payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Conditions of approval
10. Commencement and period of validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Wheat, Barley and Oats - effective 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2026
Notice No. R. 3745 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom the levies are payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Apples
Notice No. R. 3935 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of the levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom the levy shall be payable
8. Payment of the levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Apricots
Notice No. R. 3936 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Imposition of the levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom the levy shall be payable
8. Payment of the levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Peaches & Nectarines
Notice No. R. 3937 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objective of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Imposition of the levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom the levy shall be payable
8. Payment of the levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Pears
Notice No. R. 3938 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation to the objectives of that Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Imposition of the levy
6. Amount of the levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom the levy shall be payable
8. Payment of the levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Plums (including Interspecific Plums) and Prunes
Notice No. R. 3939 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Imposition of the levy
6. Amount of the levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom the levy shall be payable
8. Payment of the levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Trees as well as Production & Marketing Information of Plums & Prunes, Nectarines & Peaches, Apricots, Apples and Pears
Notice No. R. 3940 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which the measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Exporters, Municipal Markets and Traders of Plums & Prunes, Peaches & Nectarines, Apricots, Apples and Pears and Processos of Apple Concentrate and Packers/Processors of Dried Fruit
Notice No. R. 3941 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Levies relating to Pecan Nuts and Pecan Nut Products
Notice No. R. 4131 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Conditions of approval
10. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Pecan Nut Trees as well as Domestic Production, Processing, Imports and Exports of Pecan Nuts and Pecan Nut Products
Notice No. R. 4132 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Processors, Importers and Exporters of Pecan Nuts and Pecan Nut Products
Notice No. R. 4133 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
2024 Notices
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices for Levies on Pomegranate and Pomegranate Products
Notice No. R. 4299 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Determination of guideline prices
7. Amount of levy
8. Persons by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
9. Payment of levy
10. Commencement and periof of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Exporters and Processors of Pomegranates
Notice No. R. 4301 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Trees as well as Production & Marketing Information of Pomegranates
Notice No. R. 4300 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Milk Producers
Notice No. R. 4358 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of the Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Administration of the Statutory Measure
4. Product to which Statutory Measure applies
5. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
6. Records and Returns to be kept and submitted by Milk Producers
7. Commencement and Period of Validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Milk Producers
Notice No. R. 4359 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aim of this Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Administration of the Measure
4. Product to which Statutory Measure applies
5. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
6. Registration of Parties Concerned
7. Application for Registration
8. Commencement and Period of Validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Persons dealing with Wool in the course of Trade - effective 28 June 2024 to 28 June 2028
Notice No. R. 5013 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which Statutory Measure applies
4. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
5. Registration of Producers, Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters
6. Application for Registration as Producer, Broker, Trader or Wool Buyer, Processor, Importer and Exporter
7. Commencement and Period of Validity
Continuation of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters of Wool - effective 28 June 2024 to 28 June 2028
Notice No. R. 5014 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and Aims of Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Product to which Statutory Measure applies
4. Area in which Statutory Measure applies
5. Records to be kept by Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters
6. Returns to be Rendered by Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters
7. Commencement and Period of Validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of a Differentiated Levy on Planted Hectares for funding of an integrated area Wide Fruit Fly Control Programme in Specified Production Areas
Notice No. R. 5229 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act (1996)
3. Products to which statutory measure applies and application of statutory measure
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of the levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
8. Payment of a differential levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Wheat, Barley and Oats
Notice No. R. 5232 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom levies area payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of levies on Fynbos Cut-Flower Products
Notice No. R. 5241 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Packers and Exporters of Fynbos Cut-Flower Products
Notice No. R. 5241 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Fynbos Cut-Flower Products as well as Production and Export Information of Fynbos Cut-Flower Products
Notice No. R. 5241 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of satutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Table Olives and Olive Oil
Notice No. R. 5421 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom and to whom levy shall be payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Olive Trees as well as Domestic Production and Processing of Table Olives and Olive Oil, and importation of Table Olives and Olive Oil
Notice No. R. 5421 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Processors and Importers of Table Olives and Olive Oil
Notice No. R. 5421 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of satutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of parties concerned
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measures and Determination of Levies on Table Grapes
Notice No. R. 5471 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons/Institutions by whom and to whom levy is payable
8. Payment of the Levy
9. Use of levy
10. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Vines; as well as Production & Market Information of Table Grapes
Notice No. R. 5471 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Exporters of Table Grapes
Notice No. R. 5471 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Products to which the statutory measure applies
4. Area in which measure shall apply
5. Registration of producers and exporters
6. Application for registration
7. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies on Fresh Citrus Fruit intended for Export
Notice No. R. 5704 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Products to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom levy is payable
8. Manner and time of levy payment
9. Commencement and validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to persons involved in the Export of Fresh Citrus Fruit
Notice No. R. 5705 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Persons to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Records to be kept and returns to be rendered
6. Commencement and validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of persons involved in the Export of Fresh Citrus Fruit
Notice No. R. 5706 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of the statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
3. Persons to whom statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Registration
6. Commencement and validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Dried Vine Fruit
Notice No. R. 5707 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
4. Product to which statutory measure applies
5. Area in which statutory measure applies
6. Imposition of levy
7. Amount of levy
8. Persons by whom and to whom levy is payable
9. Determination and payment of levy
10. Use of levy
11. Offences and Penalties
12. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of certain persons in respect of Dried Vine Fruit
Notice No. R. 5708 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
4. Products to which statutory measure applies
5. Area in which statutory measure applies
6. Registration of importers, producers, packers, exporters, processors, handlers/traders and marketers of dried vine fruit
7. Application for registration as importer, producer, packers, exporter, processor or marketer of dried vine fruit
8. Offences and Penalties
9. Commencement and period of validity
Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Dried Vine Fruit
Notice No. R. 5709 of 2024
1. Definitions
3. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
4. Product to which statutory measure applies
5. Area in which statutory measure applies
6. Records to be kept by importers, packers, exporters, producers, marketers, handlers/traders and processors of dried vine fruit
7. Returns to be rendered by importers, producers, packers, exporters, marketers, handlers/traders and processors of dried vine fruit
8. Offences and Penalties
9. Commencement and period of validity
2025 Notices
Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Price: Levy relating to Soybeans
Notice No. R. 5815 of 2025
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act
3. Product to which statutory measure applies
4. Area in which statutory measure applies
5. Imposition of levy
6. Amount of levy
7. Persons by whom levies are payable
8. Payment of levy
9. Commencement and period of validity
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