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Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)5. Meetings and recommendations of Council |
(1) | The Council shall meet for the first time at the time and place determined by the Minister and thereafter at the times and places determined by the chairperson or, if he or she is absent, the vice-chairperson. |
(2) | When the chairperson is absent or not able to perform his or her functions, the vice-chairperson shall act as chairperson and, if both the chairperson and the vice-chairperson are absent from a meeting or not able to perform their functions, the members present shall elect a person from their ranks to preside at that meeting. |
(3) | The Council shall determine the procedure for calling a meeting, the procedure to be followed at meetings, as well as the times at which and manner in which members of the Council shall be notified of meetings. |
(4) |
(a) | Six members of the Council shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the council. |
(b) | In any advice or recommendation to the Minister as contemplated in section 9(1), the minority views of any one or more members of the Council, as well as any relevant report emanating from a committee appointed in terms of section 7, shall be included. |
(c) | If the Council does not appoint a committee to consider a particular issue the Council shall as far as possible give directly affected groups an opportunity to comment on such an issue directly to the Council and in any report that the Council transmits to the Minister on such an issue, the full spectrum of comments received by the Council shall be presented as far as is reasonably possible. |
(5) | No decision or recommendation by the Council to the Minister or action taken on authority of such decision or recommendation shall be invalid merely because of a casual vacancy in the Council or because a person who was not entitled to sit as member of the Council did sit as such when the decision was taken or the recommendation was formulated, if the decision or recommendation was agreed upon by a majority of the members of the Council who were then present and entitled to sit as members of the Council, and if the provisions of subsection (4)(b) were complied with. |