R 385
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)NoticesContinuation of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Persons dealing with Wool in the course of trade2. Purpose and Aims of Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act |
The purpose and aim of this statutory measure is to provide a statutory mechanism for producers, brokers, traders or wool buyers, processors, importers and exporters to register with Cape Wools SA. A central database of names and contact details of individuals and organisations involved in the production, trading, processing and exporting of wool (by means of a unique identification number) supports the accurate and efficient gathering of data. The associated statutory measure for records and returns provides the framework for recording this data on a customised national wool industry database.
Cape Wools SA’s mandate and purpose is to facilitate access to the wool market for all participants, to promote the efficiency of the marketing of wool and to optimise the export income from wool as per the objective of the Act. This can be achieved by producing and distributing a range of generic and customised market information products.