R 385
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)NoticesContinuation of Statutory Measure regarding Records and Returns by Sellers of Table Eggs as prescribed by Regulation R. 345, as amended and Egg Products sold to the Trade - Effective 1 April 20222. Purpose and Aim of Statutory Measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act |
The purpose and aim of this statutory measure is to compel the sellers of table eggs to the trade to render records and returns to the levy administrator. This is necessary to ensure that continuous, timeous and accurate information relating to the selling of table eggs to the trade is available to all role players. Market information is deemed essential for all role players in order for them to make informed decisions. By prescribing the keeping of records with the rendering of returns on an individual basis, market information for the whole of the industry can be processed and disseminated. The establishment of the statutory measure should assist in promoting the efficiency of the marketing of eggs. The viability of the egg industry should thus be enhanced.
[Section 2 (paragraph 1) corrected by Notice of Correction No. 1817, GG46000, dated 04 March 2022]
The measure is not detrimental to any objectives of the Act and, in particular, shall not be detrimental to the number of employment opportunities or fair labour practice in the egg industry.
Confidential information of any person subject to this statutory measure obtained by the levy administrator through the implementation, administration and enforcement of this statutory measure shall be dealt with in accordance with section 23(2) of the Act.
The measure shall be administered by the levy administrator who will appoint a third party to assist them with the administration of the statutory measure. The latter shall act in terms of the mandate and on behalf of the South African Poultry Association.