R 385
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)NoticesEstablishment of Statutory Measure - Registration in respect of Manufacturers, Importers and Exporters of Oilseeds Products2. Purpose and aim of statutory measure and its relation to the objectives of the Act |
The aim and objective of this statutory measure are to compel manufacturers, importers and exporters of oilseeds products to register with SAGIS. These shall include any person who acts in the capacity of the above-mentioned persons.
Registration of the said persons is necessary to enable SAGIS to make available continuous, timely and accurate market information in respect of oilseeds products to the public. It is essential for market information in the deregulated market to be as accurate as possible in order for market participants to make informed decisions. Through the combination of mandatory registration of manufacturers, importers and exporters , together with the submission of monthly returns on an individual basis, market information for the whole country can be disseminated in the marketplace.
This statutory measure will not only assist in improving market access for all market participants, but it will also assist in promoting the effective marketing of oilseeds products. The viability of the oilseed industries will thus be promoted, while at the same time food security will be enhanced. The information could also be used to determine food security policies.
The statutory measure is to be administered by SAGIS. SAGIS was specifically established for purposes of the registration of market players and for information gathering , sorting and dissemination in respect of the various cereal and oilseed industries in South Africa.
SAGIS will treat all individual information as strictly confidential.