R 385
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)NoticesEstablishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of a Differentiated Ad Hoc Levy on Planted Fruit Hectares for Funding of an Area Wide Bactrocera Dorsalis Eradication Programme in Specified Production Areas2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act |
The statutory levy is needed by the Fruit Industry to collect the producers’ contribution for the Bactrocera Dorsalis eradication programmes in specified production regions as and when required. The levy will only be invoked when required as per agreed eradication protocols.
The measure will not be detrimental to the number of employment opportunities of fair labour practice and will support other statutory measures applicable in the fruit industry.
The measure will be utilised by FruitFly Africa (Pty) Ltd, an industry service entity established in terms of the Companies Act, 2008 (Act 71 of 2008 as amended). FruitFly Africa will administer and spend the collected funds on behalf of the producers in the specified production regions and will account and report separately thereon.