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Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)NoticesEstablishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Berries, Citrus Fruit, Dried Grapes, Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Subtropical Fruit and Table Grapes2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to the objectives of the Act |
The purpose and aims of this statutory measure are to compel exporters and growers of fruit to keep records and furnish returns to Agri-Hub either directly or by instruction to their supply chain service providers. These shall also include any person e.g. a grower / exporter who acts in the capacity of the aforementioned persons. The statutory measure is deemed necessary in order to ensure that market information in respect of fruit is made available to all role-players in the relevant industry. Information gathered by Agri-Hub by means of records and returns is disseminated freely in the marketplace. Therefore, through the mandatory supply of electronic data on an individual basis, market information for the whole of the country can be processed and made available.
This measure is necessary to ensure that continuous, timeous and accurate information relating to the fruit industry is available to all role-players in order for them to make informed decisions.
This statutory measure will not only assist in improving market access for all market participants, but it should also assist in promoting the efficiency of the marketing of fruit. Furthermore, the market information obtained in this manner, will promote the viability of the fruit industry and the agricultural sector at large.
The statutory measure is administered by Agri-Hub. Agri-Hub was specifically established for the purpose of handling information gathering, processing and dissemination on behalf of the various fruit industry role-players in South Africa.
Agri-Hub makes macro generic market information available to the grower associations and other interested parties. This information is obtained and furnished from the returns submitted to Agri-Hub. The information is published in a manner that is suitable to reach the majority of the role-players in the fruit industry.
Agri-Hub is an independent registered company with equal shareholding (12.5%) between CGA, Hortgro, SATI, (representing the grower associations), FPEF (representing the exporters), Dipar, Farsoft, Paltrack and Prophet (representing the ISPs).
Agri-Hub was established as a result of a growing need for reliable export information in the grower and exporter community. This resulted in a grouping of interested parties i.e. those involved in the fruit export industry plus PPECB to establish Agri-Hub after much deliberation and legal consultation. The grower organisations, FPEF and PPECB funded the initial start-up.
The purpose of Agri-Hub is to provide the grower organisations and FPEF with the export statistical information they require for their member base. The on-going cost associated with Agri-Hub is primarily funded by the CGA, Hortgro, SATI and FPEF.