Acts Online
GT Shield

Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)


Continuation of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Persons dealing with Wool in the course of Trade

6. Application for Registration as Producer, Broker, Trader or Wool Buyer, Processor, Importer and Exporter


(1) An application for registration shall be furnished in the form or manner determined by Cape Wools SA for this purpose, and shall, if furnished on paper, be completed in ink.


(2) The application form shall—


(a) when forwarded by post, be addressed to—


The Chief Executive Officer

Cape Wools SA

P.O. Box 2191

North End




(b) when delivered by hand, be delivered to—


The Chief Executive Officer

Cape Wools SA

The Exchange Building

16 Grahamstown Road

North End




(c) when submitted electronically, be submitted to, or to an address supplied by Cape Wools SA on request.