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Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)


Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Wheat, Barley and Oats

7. Persons by whom levies area payable


(1) The levy payable in terms of clause 5 shall—
(a) in the case of a levy contemplated in clause 5(a), be payable by the buyer of the winter cereal.
(b) in the case of a levy contemplated in clause 5(b), be payable by:
(i) the buyer of the winter cereal where the winter cereal is sold by the importer; and
(ii) the importer of the winter cereal where the importer is also the processor thereof.
(c) in the case of a levy contemplated in clause 5(c), be payable by the processor or converter of the winter cereal.
(d) in the case of a levy contemplated in clause 5(d), be payable by the exporter of the winter cereal; and
(e) in the case of a levy contemplated in clause 5(e), be payable by the person issuing such silo receipt.


(2) The amount of the levy payable by the buyer in terms of sub-clause (1)(a) and (b)(i) may be deducted from the purchase price payable to the producer or the importer, respectively.


(3) The amount of the levy payable by the person issuing the silo receipt in terms of sub-clause 1(e) may be recovered from the person to whom such silo receipt is issued.