R 385
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)NoticesEstablishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices : Levy relating to Cotton Lint2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act |
The purpose and aims of this statutory measure are to provide financial support for the following functions that the cotton industry has identified as essential and in the interest of the industry as a whole:
(a) | Rendering of information services to all role-players; |
(b) | the promotion of cotton production and the demand; |
(c) | the co-ordination of research; |
(d) | the maintenance of quality standards and norms and the provision of training; and |
(e) | the facilitation of the development of the emerging cotton production sector. |
The maintenance of macro industry information is regarded as critical for strategic planning by the cotton industry. Proper and accurate market information that is available on a continuous and timeous manner, will not only increase market access for all market participants, but will also promote the efficiency of the of cotton.
The promotion of the production of cotton can make a significant contribution towards the level of household food security in South Africa, particularly in the more arid regions of the country where other summer crops have regularly failed. It is furthermore important that perceptions be changed in terms of crops more suited to those areas to feature more strongly.
Research is essential for the furtherance of the primary cotton industry’s competitive position, taking into account the extremely competitive marketing environment in which cotton compete and the steady decline in the cotton fibre market over the past few years. Research is also important for cotton cultivation by commercial and small-scale farmers. Studies in connection with cultivar characteristics such as yield tendencies, adaptability and yield stability, make it possible for the cotton producer to make meaningful cultivar choices for specific conditions.
Quality standards, grading and classification as well as independent arbitration services for quality disputes have to be maintained in order to promote the efficiency of cotton marketing per se. This function is deemed a basic precondition for the orderly marketing of cotton. Therefore, grading staff of co-operatives and processors of cotton also have to be trained on a continuous basis.
A portion of the funds collected by means of this levy will also be focused on small-scale farmers and the developing cotton industry.
The established of this statutory measure will not only assist in enhancing market access for all market participants but will also enhance the viability of the cotton industry. The establishment of this measure will in fact further all the objectives of the Act as stipulated in Section 2 thereof.
This statutory measure shall be administered by Cotton South Africa.