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Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)


Continuation and Establishment of Statutory Measures and Determination of Guideline Prices: Wine Industry : Effective 1 January 2022

5. Registration measure


(a) All bottlers, grape producers, grape juice producers, wine exporters, wine producers and wine traders shall register with SAWIS.
(b) A person shall have a choice to register as either a wine producer or wine trader, but not both.
(c) A person who is a grape producer as well as a wine producer or wine trader shall register as a grape producer and as a wine producer or wine trader.
(d) Application for registration shall—
(i) be made within 30 days of becoming a party as contemplated in subclause (1);
(ii) be made on the application form obtainable free of charge from SAWIS;
(iii) be submitted, when forwarded by post, to—

SAWIS, P.O. Box 238, Paarl, 7620;

(iv) when delivered by hand, be delivered to—

SAWIS, Main Road 312, Paarl;

(v) when submitted electronically, be sent to the address and in the format obtainable from SAWIS or done on