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Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)NoticesEstablishment of Statutory Measure - Records and Returns in respect of Maize Products and Wheaten Products2. Purpose and Aim of statutory measure and its relation to the objectives of the Act |
The aim and objectives of this statutory measure are to compel manufacturers, importers and exporters of maize products and wheaten products to keep records and submit returns to SAGIS. The statutory measure is deemed necessary in order to ensure that market information in respect of maize products and wheaten products is made available accurately to the public and to all role-players in the maize and wheat industries. Information gathered by SAGIS by means of records and returns is disseminated freely in the marketplace, but all individual information will be treated confidential. Through the mandatory submission of monthly returns, market information for the whole country can be disseminated in the marketplace.
This statutory measure will not only facilitate market access for all participants, but it will assist in promoting the effective marketing of maize and wheat. Furthermore, the market information obtained in this manner will promote the viability and international competitiveness of the maize and wheat industries and the agricultural sector at large, while at the same time enhancing food security and the formulation of such policy.
The statutory measure is to be administered by SAGIS. SAGIS was specifically established for the purpose of gathering, processing and disseminating information on behalf of the various cereal and oilseed industries in South Africa. SAGIS can be contacted by telephone on (012) 523-1400.
SAGIS already publishes macro generic market information on a monthly basis for the various cereal and oilseed industries and for other interested parties. This information is obtained and furnished from the returns that are submitted to SAGIS. The information is published in a manner that is suitable to address the requirements of the majority of role-players in the respective industries.