R 385
Merchandise Marks Act, 1941 (Act No. 17 of 1941) |
2. What acts amount to applying trade description
4. Powers of inspectors to enter and search...
6. Applying false trade description and alteration...
7. Sale and hiring out of goods bearing...
8. Sale of imported goods bearing name...
9. Sale of imported goods bearing marks...
10. Power to require indication of origin...
11. Minister may prescribe what indication...
12. Certain provisions not to apply to trade...
13. Affording of opportunity to interested persons...
14. Unauthorized use of certain emblems
15. Use of certain marks may be prohibited
15A. Abuse of trade mark in relation to event
16. Implied warranty on sale of marked goods
17. Containers marked with owner's name not to be sold
22. Short title and commencement of Act
[Sections 8 and 9 suspended until further notice by Government Notice 1682 of 9 August 1946]