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Table of Contents
Merchandise Marks Act, 1941 (Act No. 17 of 1941)
1. Definitions
2. What acts amount to applying trade description
3. Appointment of officers
4. Powers of inspectors to enter and search premises and sieze certain articles
5. Obstruction of inspectors
6. Applying false trade description and alteration of trade mark
7. Sale and hiring out of goods bearing false trade descriptions
8. Sale of imported goods bearing name or make of South African manufacturer or trader, unaccompanied by indication of origin
9. Sale of imported goods bearing marks in official language, unacommpanied by indication of origin
10. Power to require indication of origin and compliance with specified standards in the case of certain classes of goods
11. Minister may prescribe what indication of origin of goods to be made
12. Certain provisions not to apply to trade descriptions applied to certain goods at commencement of Act
13. Affording of opportunity to interested persons to submit representations
14. Unauthorized use of certain emblems
15. Use of certain marks may be prohibited
15A. Abuse of trade mark in relation to event
16. Implied warranty on sale of marked goods
17. Containers marked with owner's name not to be sold
18. Evidence
20. Penalties
21. Repeal of laws
22. Short title and commencement of Act
The Prohibition on the Use of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) Logo Biz Portal
Notice No. 1226 of 2020
Designation of the 2021 British and Irish Lions Rugby Tour of South Africa as a protected event
Notice No. 380 of 2021
Prohibition on the Use of Certain Words and Emblems associated with the 2021 British and Irish Lions Rugby Tour of South Africa
Notice No. 381 of 2021
Annexure 1
Annexure 2
Annexure 3
Annexure 4
Annexure 5
Annexure 6
Annexure 7
Annexure 8
Annexure 9
Annexure 10
Annexure 11
Annexure 12
Annexure 13
Annexure 14
Final Notice on the Prohibition on the Use of Certain Words and Emblems associated with the 2021 British and Irish Lions Rugby Tour of South Africa
Notice No. 617 of 2021
Annexure 1 : Tour Marks
Annexure 2
Annexure 3
Annexure 4
Annexure 5
Annexure 6
Annexure 7
Annexure 8
Annexure 9
Annexure 10 : Word and Numeral Marks
Annexure 11 : British and Irish Lions Emblems and Devices
Annexure 12
Annexure 13
Annexure 14
Annexure 15
Annexure 16
Prohibition on the Use of the Logo for the Border Management Authority (BMA)
Notice No. 951 of 2022
Annexure 1
Annexure 2
Final Notice on the Prohibition on the Use of Certain Words and Emblems associated with the 2022 Rugby World Cup 7's to be hosted in South Africa
Notice No. 1235 of 2022
Annexure 1
Annexure 2
Final Notice on the Declaration of the 2022 Rugby World Cup 7's as a protected event
Notice No. 1236 of 2022
Prohibition on the use of certain words and emblems associated with the Cape Flora
Notice No. 1824 of 2023
Final Notice on the Declaration of the 2022 Rugby World Cup 7's as a protected event
Notice No. 1236 of 2022
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