R 385
Military Veterans Act, 2011 (Act No. 18 of 2011)RegulationsMilitary Veterans Pension Regulations, 20236. Procedure for application for a military veterans pension benefit |
(1) | An application for a military veterans pension benefit must be submitted on a form MVP01_2022 contained in Annexure A. |
(2) | An application contemplated in sub-regulation (1), must be accompanied by— |
(a) | certified copy of the identity document of the Military Veteran; |
(b) | certified copy of the identity document of the spouse; |
(c) | a recognized marriage certificate; |
(d) | certified copies of the unabridged birth certificates of the dependents of the Military Veteran, and; |
(e) | signed bank entity form with applicant's account numbers, stamped by the bank |
(3) | The applicant must submit an application to the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA) either by— |
(a) | hand; |
(b) | registered post; or |
(c) | electronically. |
(4) | On receipt of an application made in terms of sub-regulation (1), the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA) must furnish the Military Veteran with an acknowledgement of receipt of such application within 90 days which must: |
(a) | reflect the name and identity number of the Military Veteran; |
(b) | reflect the names of the designated officials acknowledging receipt thereof; and |
(c) | be dated and stamped with the official stamp of the GPAA. |
(5) | The Government Pensions Administration Agency must keep a register of all applications received. The register must record the following: |
(a) | acknowledgement of receipts of the applications; |
(b) | the particulars of the Military Veteran; |
(c) | the date of the application; |
(d) | the date on which the application is approved or rejected; and the date of the 1st payment contemplated. |
(6) | If an application for the military veteran pension benefit is approved, the Government Pensions Administration Agency must inform the Military Veteran, in writing or by electronic communication or any other means of communication of such approval. |