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Military Veterans Act, 2011 (Act No. 18 of 2011)
Notice No. 1015 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Interpretation of Act
3. Fundamental principles recognised by State, and policy objectives
4. Patron-in-Chief
5. Benefits relating to military veterans
6. Certain powers and duties of Department
7. National military veterans' association
8. Functions of Association
9. Establishment of Advisory Council on Military Veterans
10. Powers and duties of Advisory Council
11. Composition of Advisory Council
12. Appointment of members of Advisory Council
13. Nomination procedure for Advisory Council members
14. Remuneration and allowance of members of Advisory Council
15. Term of office
16. Removal from office
17. Resignation
18. Meetings of Advisory Council
19. Establishment of Military Veterans Appeal Board
20. Powers and duties of Appeal Board
21. Composition and appointment of members of Appeal Board
22. Disqualification from membership of Appeal Board
23. Remuneration, removal from office and resignation of members of Appeal Board
24. Regulations
25. Regulations made under any law
26. Funding
27. Repeal of laws
28. Short title and commencement
Military Veterans Benefits Regulations, 2014
Notice No. R. 122 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Requirements to qualify for benefits
3. Compensation for injury, trauma and disease
4. Determination of amount of compensation
5. Payment of compensation
6. Criteria for counselling and treatment for mental illness and post-traumatic stress disorder
7. Application for counselling and treatment
8. Criteria to qualify for facilitation of employment placement
9. Application for facilitation of employment placement
10. Facilitation of business opportunities
11. Business facilitation programmes
12. Criteria to qualify for subsidised public transport
13. Criteria to qualify for access to health care
14. Criteria to qualify for housing
15. Condition of housing benefit
16. Criteria to qualify for burial support
17. Amount of burial support benefit
18. Reimbursement of burial costs
19. Procedure to apply for military veterans benefits
20. Documents necessary to apply for benefits
21. Notification of outcome
22. Annual review
23. Short title
Form MVBR-01
Sworn Declaration
Military Veterans Pension Regulations, 2023
Notice No. R. 3949 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Objectives
4. Eligibility
5. Pension benefit amount
6. Procedure for application for a military veterans pension benefit
7. Appeals
8. Short title and date of commencement
Annexure A : Pensions Benefit Access Form - MVP01_2022
Guidelines on what Constitutes Substantial Membership and Recognition of Military Veteran Organisations
Notice No. 1087 of 2015
1. Definitions and interpretation
2. Introduction
3. Purpose
4. Principles
5. Eligibility
6. Qualifying criteria
7. Application process
8. Determination process
9. Commencement
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