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National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act No. 103 of 1977)RegulationsPart A : AdministrationA18. Control of plumbers and plumbing work |
(1) | No person shall perform the trade of plumbing as contemplated in Government Notice No. R. 1875 of 31 August 1979 unless he is a trained plumber or works under the adequate control of a trained plumber or approved competent person. |
(2) | Where any person who is not a trained plumber has been practising the trade of plumbing and was required in terms of any local authority by-law to register with it before so practising in its area of jurisdiction, he may, if he is so registered, continue to practise in such area or the area of any other local authority if such registration is acceptable to such other local authority. |
(3) | No local authority shall, for the purposes of these regulations, register any person to practise the trade of plumbing after the coming into operation of the Act. |
(4) | Any person not being a trained plumber or not being a person contemplated in subregulation (2), who practices the trade of plumbing shall be guilty of an offence. |
(5) | Any trained plumber who causes or permits any person who is not a trained plumber or is not a person contemplated in subregulation (2), to practise the trade of plumbing without adequately controlling the work done by such person, shall be guilty of an offence. |