R 385
Part A : Administration |
A2. Plans and particulars to be furnished
A3. Preliminary plans and enquiries
A4. Local authority may require additional documents and information
A5. Applications forms and materials, scales and sizes of plans
A8. Plumbing installation drawings and particulars
A10. Symbols on fire protection plans
A11. Pointing out of boundary beacons
A13. Building materials and tests
A15. Maintenance and operation
A16. Qualifications of a building control officer
A17. Certificate of identity of a building control officer
A18. Control of plumbers and plumbing work
A19. Appointment of persons responsible for design, inspection and assessment duties
A20. Classification and designation of occupancies
A22. Notice of intention to commence erection or demolition of a building and notices of inspection
A24. Standardization of interpretation