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National Credit Act, 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005)

Chapter 4 : Consumer Credit Policy

Part A : Consumer Rights

60. Right to apply for credit


(1) Save as is provided in this Act, every juristic person or association of persons, has a right to apply to a credit provider for credit.

[Section 60(1) substituted by section 5 of Notice No. 1081, GG 42649, dated 19 August 2019]


(2) Subject to sections 61 and 66, a credit provider has a right to refuse to enter into a credit agreement with any prospective consumer on reasonable commercial grounds that are consistent with its customary risk management and underwriting practices.


(3) Subject to sections 61 and 92(3), nothing in this Act establishes a right of any person to require a credit provider to enter into a credit agreement with that person.