R 385
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)RegulationsManagement of the Amathole Offshore Marine Protected AreaAnnexure 1 : Zonation for the Amathole Offshore Marine Protected Area |
Annexure 1
(Zonation for the Amathole Offshore Marine Protected Area)
Kei Offshore Restricted Zone (KORZ) The KORZ is bounded by a series of straight lines sequentially joining the following coordinates, with the last line joining the last co-ordinate to the first: A, S, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K.
Kei Offshore Controlled Zone (KOCZ) is bounded by a series of straight lines sequentially joining the following coordinates, with the last line joining the last coordinate to the first: A, B, S and S to A.
Gxulu Offshore Restricted Zone (GORZ) is bounded by a series of straight lines sequentially joining the following coordinates, with the last line joining the last co-ordinate to the first R, L, T, O, P, U, V, W, X.
Gxulu Offshore Controlled Zone (GOCZ) is bounded by a series of straight lines sequentially joining the following coordinates, with the last line joining the last co-ordinate to the first: R, X, W, V, U, Q.
Gxulu Offshore Controlled Pelagic Linefish Zone (GOCPLZ) is bounded by a series of straight lines sequentially joining the following coordinates with the last line joining the last co-ordinate to the first: L, M, N, T.
Fig. 1. The zonation for the Amathole Offshore Marine Protected Area.
Table 1: Table of co-ordinates for the Amathole Offshore Marine Protected Area
X |
Y |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
L |
27.7652 |
-33.15855 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
M |
27.918 |
-33.207081 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
N |
27.918 |
-33.484873 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
0 |
27.545 |
-33.75 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
P |
27.1833 |
-33.75 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
Q |
27.1833 |
33.583333 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
R |
27.6737 |
-33.233633 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
T |
27.7652 |
-33.59174 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
U |
27.1833 |
-33.666741 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
V |
27.4967 |
-33.666741 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
W |
27.4967 |
-33.5 |
Amathole Offshore Gxulu |
X |
27.6737 |
-33.5 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
A |
28.4211 |
-32.713883 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
B |
28.7667 |
-32.713883 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
C |
28.7667 |
-33.016667 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
D |
28.2146 |
-33.016667 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
E |
28.2146 |
-32.8244 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
F |
28.237417 |
-32.8222 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
G |
28.272817 |
-32.811317 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
H |
28.305583 |
-32.796783 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
I |
28.374783 |
-32.74875 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
J |
28.403333 |
-32.744917 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
K |
28.411517 |
32.739667 |
Amathole Offshore Kei |
S |
28.7667 |
-32.862554 |