R 385
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)RegulationsManagement of the Amathole Offshore Marine Protected AreaAnnexure 2 : Gxulu Offshore Controlled Pelagic Linefish Zone List |
Annexure 2
Gxulu Offshore Controlled Pelagic Linefish Zone List
Family names are given as all species in these families may be caught or used as bait.
Atherinidae – silversides
Belonidae – garfish
Carangidae – kingfish, garrick, yellowtail, queenfish, etc.
Chirocentridae – wolf herring/slimy
Clupeidae – red-eyes, sardines, etc.
Coryphaenidae – Dorado
Engraulidae – anchovies, glass-noses/bonies, etc.
Exocoetidae - flyingfishes
Hemiramphidae – halfbeaks
Istiophoridae – Sailfish and marlin
Pomatomidae – Shad/elf
Rachycentridae – Prodigal son/Cobia
Scomberesocidae - sauries
Scombridae – Tunas, mackerels, wahoo, etc.
Sphyraenidae – Barracudas