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National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)SchedulesSchedule 2 : National Park Areas16. Agulhas National Park |
The highest point in Agulhas National Park is 1017.72ft above sea level.
Definition of Area
Government Notice 1135 / Government Gazette 20476 / 19990923 declared the following land to be part of the park:
1. | The remaining extent of Portion 3 of the farm Paapekuil Fontein 281, Registration District of Bredasdorp, in extent 42,7573 ha (four two coma seven five seven three hectare). |
2. | Portion 4 of the farm Paapekuil Fontein 281, Registration District of Bredasdorp, in extent 14,2067 ha (one four comma two zero six seven hectare) excluding the Cape Agulhas Lighthouse and associated buildings. |
3. | The remaining extent of Portion 8 of the farm Paapekuil Fontein 281, Registration District of Bredasdorp, in extent 38,2464 ha (three eight comma two four six four hectares). |
4. | Portion 17 of the farm Paapekuil Fontein 281, Registration District of Bredasdorp, in extent 0,9935 ha (zero comma nine nine three five hectares). |
Government Notice 1495/2003 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended Schedule 1 accordingly:
1. | Portion 4 of the farm Sout Bosch 286, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 618,4311 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T68150/1999 |
2. | The farm Brak Fontein A283, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 392,2917 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T68150/1999 |
3. | Portion 1 of the farm of Ziydendaals Valley 278, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 107,0665 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T68150/1999 |
4. | Portion 6 of the farm Rhenoster Kop 285, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 210,3328 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T68150/1999 |
5. | Portion 2 of Farm 287, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 183,8008 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T13626/2000 |
6. | Portion 3 of Farm 287, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 51,7460 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T13626/2000 |
7. | Remainder of the farm Berg Plaas 291, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 830,7775 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T14239/2000 |
8. | Portion 1 of Farm 342, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 1071,9766 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T31166/2000 |
9. | Portion 58 of the farm Paapekuil Fontein 281, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 1033,6320 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T36980/2000 |
10. | Portion 6 of the farm Sout Bosch 286, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 246,3062 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T83402/2000 |
11. | Portion 1 of the farm Berg Plaas 291, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 939,9084 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T90698/2000 |
12. | Portion 10 of the farm Paapekuil Fontein 281, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 35,7796 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T55695/2001 |
13. | Portion 57 of the farm Paapekuil Fontein 281, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 44,5798 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T65966/2001 |
14. | Erf 426, Suiderstrand, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 26,7329 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T82662/2001 |
15. | Portion 36 of the farm Paapekuil Fontein 281, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 4,0548 hectare, held under Title Deed No. T87716/1998 |
Government Notice 903 of 2004 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended Schedule 1 accordingly:
1. | Farm Rattel Rivier No. 300, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 2007,4612 hectare, held under Title Deed T71418/2003 |
2. | The Remainder of the Farm Riet Fontein No.293, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 260,2301 hectare, held under Title Deed T71418/2003 |
3. | Portion 2 (a portion of Portion 1) of the Farm No. 312, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 4,0509 hectare, held under Title Deed T71418/2003 |
4. | Portion 7 (a portion of Portion 4) of the Farm Sout Bosch No.286, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 607,4721 hectare, held under Title Deed T83403/2000 |
5. | The Remainder of Portion 3 of the Farm Rhenosterkop No.285, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 180,6028 hectare, held under Title Deed T83403/2000 |
6. | Portion 5 (a portion of Portion 3) of the Farm Rhenosterkop No.285, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 210,4035 hectare, held under Title Deed T83403/2000 |
7. | Portion 5 (a portion of Portion 4) of the Farm Sout Bosch No.286, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent 366,6502 hectare, held under Title Deed T83403/2000 |
Government Notice 1064 / Government Gazette 28185 / 20051028 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
Portion 6 of the farm Rietfontein A No. 299, Bredasdorp Registration Division, Western Cape Province, in extent 3 906.4962 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T37792/2005
Government Notice 400 / Government Gazette 32094 / 20090409 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the Schedule accordingly:
The Farm Waterford 314, situated in the Bredasdorp Registration, Western Cape Province, and measuring 4052.9810 hectares in extent and held by Title Deed No. T79097/2007.
Government Notice 35073 / 20120302 declared the following land to be part of the park:
Portion 4 of the Farm Rietfontein A299, Registration Division Bredasdorp, Western Cape Province, in extent 287, 1602 hectares, held by Title Deed No. T57834/2009.
[Definition of "Agulhas National Park" amended by Government Notice 400 of 2009]