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National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)SchedulesSchedule 2 : National Park Areas17. Namaqua National Park |
The highest point in Namaqua National Park is 3110ft above sea level.
Definition of Area
Government Notice 578 / Government Gazette 22414 / 20010629 declared the following land to be part of the park:
1. | Portion 15 (portion of portion 13) of the farm Keerom 341, division Namaqualand, Northern Cape province, in extent 1047, 1096 ha (one zero four seven comma one zero nine six hectare). |
Government Notice 53 / Government Gazette 23037 / 20020125 declared the following land to be part of the park:
– | Portion 1 of the farm Doornfontein, 464, Namaqualand, measuring 3513, 3458 hectare, held by Deed of Transfer No. T75491/2001; |
– | Portion 1 of the farm Kookfontein, 466, Namaqualand, measuring 3535, 4786 hectare, held by Deed of Transfer No. T75491/2001; |
– | Portion 2 of the farm Kookfontein, 466, Namaqualand, measuring 1305, 9258 hectare, held by Deed of Transfer No. T75491/2001; |
– | Portion 3 of the farm Kookfontein, 466, Namaqualand, measuring 2, 0029 hectare , held by Deed of Transfer No. T75491/2001; |
– | Portion 4 of the farm Kookfontein, 466, Namaqualand, measuring 997,1303 hectare, held by Deed of Transfer No. T75491/2001; |
– | Remainder of the farm Kookfontein, 466, Namaqualand, measuring 3253, 5968 hectare, held by Deed of Transfer No. T75491/2001; |
– | The farm Wildepaarde Hoek 340, Namaqualand, measuring 7910, 9296 hectare, held by Deed of Transfer No. T75491/2001. |
2. | Subject to an agreement entered into between the South African National Park (the Board), as well as the owner of the land defined in the Schedule, the following land in terms of section 2B (1) (b) of the Act: |
– | Portion 13 of the farm Wolvepoort 459, Namaqualand, measuring 930, 2412 hectare, held by Deed of Transfer No. T1020/1989. |
Government Notice 901 / Government Gazette 26615 / 20040730 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the Schedule accordingly:
1. | Portion 5 (a portion of Portion 1) of the Farm Canariesfontein No. 465, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 963,5410 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T104720/2002 |
2. | Portion 6 (Plat Klip) of the Farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 2064, 2421, held under Title Deed of Transfer T104720/2002 |
3. | 0,093750 share in Portion 2 of the Farm Rodeklipheuwel No.470, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 2187,2544 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T115475/2003 |
4. | Portion 6 (a portion of Portion 1) of the Farm Canariesfontein No. 465, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 481,7712 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T96065/2000 |
5. | Portion 2 (Niekerkshoop) of the Farm Canariesfontein No.465, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 2407, 9271 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T96065/2000 |
6. | The Remainder of Portion 1 (Ronde Klip) of the Farm Canariesfontein No. 465, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 962,6148 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T95852/2000 |
7. | Portion 7 (Portion of 1 ± Zand Vlei) of the Farm Soubattersfontein No. 467, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 262,0988 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T83030/1999 |
8. | The Farm Oubees No. 339, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 13170,8926 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer 183030/1999 |
9. | Portion 1 (Goedemoed) of the Farm Rodeklipheuwel No.470, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 6563,6989 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T83030/1999 |
10. | The Remainder of the Farm Kameelboom Vley No.338, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 1783,8949 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T83030/1999 |
11. | The Remainder of the Farm Taaibosch Vlakte No. 337, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 1645,5265 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T83030/1999 |
12. | Portion 2 (Euphorbia) of the Farm Kraaifontein No. 312, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 1605,2559 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer T83030/1999 |
13. | Portion 1 (Stapelia of the Farm Kraaifontein No. 312, Namaqualand Registration Division, Province of the Northern Cape, in extent 147,7543 hectare, held under Title Deed of Transfer-183030/1999 |
Government Notice 1065 / Government Gazette 28185 / 20051028 declared the following land to be part of the park and amended the definition accordingly:
Portion 7 (Klipbokfontein) of the farm Doornfontein No. 464, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 769.2185 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T33480/2003
Portion 9 (Melkboom) of the farm Doornfontein No. 464, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 796.0465 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T33480/2003
Portion 16 (a portion of Portion 14) of the farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 790.3648 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T94550/2002
Portion 3 (Nieuwe Puts) of the farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 1 836.6673 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T95762/2002
Remainder of portion 4 (Kykokeis) of the farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 981.7906 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T95762/2002
Remainder of the farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 1 340.9971 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T94550/2002
Portion 10 (portion of Portion 3) of the farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 330.3586 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T94550/2002
Portion 11 of the farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 670.4972 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T94550/2002
Remainder of portion 13 of the farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 378.3595 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T94550/2002
Remainder of portion 14 (a portion of Portion 13) of the farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 66.1623 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T94550/2002
Portion 12 (a portion of Portion 4) of farm Keerom No. 341, Namaqualand Registration Division, Northern Cape Province, in extent 860.0601 hectares, held under Title Deed of Transfer T90891/2002
Government Notice 540/ Government Gazette 33285 /20100618 declared the following land to be part of the park:
The farm Gemsbok Vlakte 498, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 2278, 3237 hectares;
Portion 1 of the farm Strandfontein 499, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 1969, 1728 hectares;
Portion 2 of the farm Strandfontein 499, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 2124, 1994 hectares, known as Duinen;
Portion 3 of the farm Strandfontein 499, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 313, 4859 hectares;
The remaining extent of the farm Strandfontein 499, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape, in extent 4644, 6161 hectares;
The farm Driekop 500, Registration Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 6509, 9387 hectares;
The farm Kwass 501, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 6509, 9430 hectares;
The farm Kwass 548, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 1063, 8355 hectares;
Portion 1 of the farm Klipkuil 547, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 1208, 6823 hectares, known as De Mond;
Portion 3 of the farm Klipkuil 547, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 592, 0006 hectares, known as Middle Vlakte;
Portion 4 of the farm Klipkuil 547, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 28, 7924 hectares, known as Common Werf;
Portion 5 of the farm Klipkuil 547, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province in extent 397, 6150 hectares hectares, known as Twee Kuilen; and
Portion 6 of the farm Klipkuil 547, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 220, 6597 hectares, known as Snels Kop.
Government Notice 35073 /20120302 declared the following land to be part of the park:
1. | A portion of the Farm Michells Bay No. 495, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent 13,6578 hectares; which portion is represented by the "Ab" high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean, "a", curvilinear boundary 250 meter north of the middle of the Spoeg River and described as "HUURKONTRAKGEBIED NO. 1" as more fully described and set out on diagram L.G. No. 1985/2008; held by Deed of Transfer No. 17076/1942; |
2. | A portion of the Farm Kliphuis No. 496, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in extent: 956,4286 hectares, which portion is represented by the figure "A", curvilinear boundary 250 meter north of the middle of the Spoeg River, "B C D E" and described as "HUURKONTRAKGEBIED NO. 1" as more fully described and set out on Diagram L.G. No. 1986/2008; h Registration Division Namakwaland, Northern Cape Province held by Deed of Transfer No. T2550/1960; and |
3. | A portion of Remaining Extent of the Farm Kanoep No. 491, Registration Division Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, in Extent 4793, 3190 hectares, which portion is represented by the figure "B C D E F G H" and described as "HUURKONTRAKGEBIED NO. 1" as more fully described and set out on Diagram L.G. No. 1984/2008; held by Deed of Transfer No. T7076/1942. |
[Definition of "Namaqua National Park" amended by Government Notice 1065 of 2005]