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National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008)


National Norms and Standards for the Treatment of Organic Waste


Annexure 2: Items to be included in a Standard Operating Procedure


Annexure 2: Items to be included in a Standard Operating Procedure


Principle Component



locality map showing the siting of the facility and location of environmentally sensitive areas, including residential zones, dwellings, schools and hospitals
ground plan of facility, including location of monitoring points/equipment
natural characteristics of site (local meteorology (wind and rain patterns), soil morphology, geology, hydrogeology and surface waters)
facility environmental policy (including protection of environmentally sensitive areas)
business plans (type and quantity of organics to be processed now and in future, and type and quality of products)
staffing (organisation, headcount,s kills, responsibilities, training and proposed working hours)

Water management

surface water controls
leachate controls and handling
water monitoring and assessment
leachate monitoring and assessment
contaminated water remediation

Gas and odour management

process controls and monitoring
odour and weather monitoring
management of rapidly biodegradable organics
gas containment and extraction (where applicable)
gas monitoring
remediation of uncontrolled gas emissions
gas oxidation controls and monitoring

Incoming organics management

screening and recording of organics received
organics handling and storage

Product quality assurance

feedstock selection
process controls and monitoring
product testing and monitoring -physical,chemical and biological
management of contaminated organics and products

Noise management

scheduling of the operation of noisy equipment and heavy transport vehicles
noise monitoring

Housekeeping practices

dust and litter control
pest, weed and vermin control
site security
disposal of wastes and contaminated products
maintenance of the organic waste treatment facility and equipment
stock controls

Fire-fighting and prevention

fire prevention
fire-fighting provisions

Change of Ownership or Landowner

notification of change of ownership of the organic waste treatment facility or landowner to the relevant Competent Authority