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National Health Act, 2003 (Act No. 61 of 2003)Chapter 10 : Office of Health Standards Compliance, Board, Inspections and Environmental Health Investigations, Health Officers and Inspectors, Complaints and Appeal Procedures80. Appointment of health officers and inspectors |
(1) | The Minister, relevant member of the Executive Council or mayor of a municipal council may designate any person in the employ of the national department, province or municipality, as the case may be, as a health officer. |
(2) | The Chief Executive Officer must, subject to section 79I(1)(c), appoint any suitably qualified person with appropriate prescribed expertise and skill as an inspector. |
(3) | A health officer designated or an inspector appointed in terms of this section must be issued with a certificate stating that he or she has been designated or appointed, as the case may be, as a health officer or as an inspector in terms of this Act. |
(4) | When a health officer or an inspector performs any function in terms of this Act, he or she— |
(a) | must be in possession of a certificate of designation or certificate of appointment, as the case may be, issued in terms of subsection (3); |
(b) | must show that certificate to any person who is affected by the action of the health officer or inspector in terms of this Act; and |
(c) | has the powers of a peace officer, as defined in section 1 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977), and may exercise any of the powers conferred on a peace officer by law. |
[Section 80 amended by section 5 of Act No. 12 of 2013]