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Chapter 10 : Office of Health Standards Compliance, Board, Inspections and Environmental Health Investigations, Health Officers and Inspectors, Complaints and Appeal Procedures |
77. Establishment of Office of Health Standards Compliance
79C. Appointment of members of Board
79D. Chairperson and vice-chairperson of Board
79E. Disqualification from membership of Board and vacation of office
79H. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer
79I. Functions of Chief Executive Officer
79J. Delegation of powers and assignment of duties by Chief Executive Officer
79K. Accountability of and reporting by Chief Executive Officer
80. Appointment of health officers
81B. Independence, impartiality and accountability of Ombud
82A. Non-compliance with prescribed norms and standards
83. Environmental health investigations
84. Entry and search of premises with warrant
85. Identification prior to entry, and resistance against entry
86. Entry and search of premises without warrant
86A. Constitutional right to privacy
87. Disposal of items seized by health officer
88. Miscellaneous provisions relating to health officers, inspectors and compliance procedures
88A. Appeals against decisions of Office or Ombud
[Chapter 10 substituted by section 5 of Act No. 12 of 2013]