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National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008)NoticesPolicy and Criteria for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (As amended, 2022)8. Articulation within the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework |
8.1 | Articulation is the process of forming systemic, specific and individual possibilities of connection between qualifications and/or part-qualifications to allow for the horizontal, vertical and diagonal movement of learners through the formal education and training system and its linkages with the world of work. These connections may allow access to another qualification, the exemption of some prerequisites or minimum admission requirements for a qualification, or the acceptance of resulted learning from one qualification for the purposes of another qualification, i.e. the granting of credit. Articulation needs to take place simultaneously at systemic, specific (institutional/programme), and individual learner levels – and failing to address one of these levels could jeopardise the whole articulation opportunity. |
8.2 | In the context of the GFETQSF, articulation is horizontal/lateral in that it is within and between NQF sub-frameworks on the same NQF level. The intention is to promote learners’ learning pathways and lifelong learning, their access to new learning and the avoidance, where possible, of the repetition of learning they have already acquired. |
8.3 | CAT and RPL are important mechanisms within the national education and training system that facilitate articulation. CAT is the practice of accumulating credits from one or more cognate learning programmes from a provider and transferring these credits for recognition for a qualification/part-qualification offered by the same or a different provider. Credits previously obtained may be recognised as meeting the requirements for a different qualification and, subject to identified limits, credits achieved towards one qualification may be recognised as meeting part of the requirements for another qualification. Credits have a direct relationship with notional hours in terms of learning required for a qualification or part-qualification in that one (1) credit is equated to ten (10) notional hours of learning. In addition, credit accumulation will mean the sum of the relevant credits required to complete a qualification or part-qualification. |
8.4 | The relationship between qualifications gained by means of CAT is determined by research that establishes the degree of overlap and/or equivalence of related curricula in the respective qualifications that would allow for credit transfer. Qualifications that allow for CAT may be on the same or a different sub-framework. |
8.5 | Credit accumulation relates to the process of achieving subject statements/certificates progressively (i.e. not in a single academic year) towards a qualification. Provided that the subjects achieved over the extended period conform to the rules of combination for the qualification, the full qualification may be awarded upon request. |
8.6 | In the case of some qualifications, the maximum number of years in which to complete the qualification may be stipulated. |
8.7 | Not all subjects will be automatically considered for recognition or credit accumulation and transfer. Acceptance is determined by the nature and structure of the desired qualification and is established by an evaluation of equivalence at curriculum level. |