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Nuclear Energy Act, 1999 (Act No. 46 of 1999)RegulationsNuclear Non-Proliferation Regulations, 2023AnnexuresAnnexure 2 : Application forms in terms of section 35 of the Act (DMRE25)Annexure B : Guidance for completing the Application Form |
Part 1: Exporter or Consignor (Same as Applicant): A South African company supplying material or equipment or technology to a company in a foreign country
Part 2: Importer Details (Consignee): the actual intended recipient of a shipment, other than the agent that the material/equipment/technology is originally consigned to, for collection purposes.
Part 3: End-User Details: The end-user is the entity that processes, use, modify or incorporate the item(s) into product or system. The importer may not always be the end user, where the nuclear material exported is to be forwarded by the Applicant, in the same form, then the applicant is only the consignee, not end-user.
Part 4: Material Description: provide a detailed description of the shipment, including a description of the material/equipment/technology, the mass, quantity and scientific description. The mass of the nuclear items must be in either grams, kilograms or tonnes. Harmonization System (HS) Code is an internationally standardized code used by Customs to classify a product.
Part 5: Shipment Details: provide details regarding the shipment (indicate whether individual or multiple transactions, provide estimated dates of shipment, indicate the required validity period for the authorisation, port of entry, etc.)
Part 6: Details of the Contact Person: The person that the Department should contact for any questions, queries or additional information required with respect to the application
Part 7: Affidavit in terms of the Nuclear Energy Act: The application should be signed by the Head of the Institution
DMRE 25 Annexure A: If there are more importers or end-users, than allocated blocks, separate sheets should be used.