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Nuclear Energy Act, 1999 (Act No. 46 of 1999)RegulationsNuclear Non-Proliferation Regulations, 2023AnnexuresAnnexure 2 : Application forms in terms of section 35 of the Act (DMRE25)Annexure C : General Information |
1. | The completion of the application forms is required in terms of Sections 34 and 35 of the Nuclear Energy Act (Act 46 of 1999). |
2. | The application must be completed in full. It is essential that all the requested information be furnished to avoid delay in the processing of the application. |
3. | Note that the form should be completed electronically using sentence case. Capital letters must only be used were applicable. |
4. | Note that the application form should be accompanied by a covering letter both signed by the Head of the Institution. |
5. | If applying for the first time, a company profile (signed by Head of Institution) should be submitted with the application form. |
6. | Note that the application will be acknowledged within seven (7) days of receipt. A follow up should be made with the Department if no acknowledgement letter is received within the stipulated period. It should be noted that the processing of the application generally takes six (6) to eight (8) weeks. |
7. | Note that authorisation may be granted subject to any conditions (if any) that the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy may determine. |
8. | All authorisations for import and export are valid for not more than and not beyond one a calendar year (i.e., 01 January to 31 December 20xx). |
9. | Valid export/import authorisations may also be amended/revised before the expiry date if there are any changes related to the authorised activities or any information as provided through the submitted application form. The validity of an authorisation may also be extended in the same calendar year; this is also categorized as amendment/revision. |
10. | The renewals (extension into the subsequent calendar year) for the subsequent calendar year are open anytime from 1 June of the year before. |
11. | Queries or any follow ups related to nuclear authorisations should be addressed to [email protected]. |
12. | Once the authorisation has been approved, notifications, reports, confirmations or any other information required in terms of the conditions of the authorisations must be forwarded to [email protected]. |
13. | The original copy of the issued authorisation must be returned to the Department within a month, in case the company undergoes liquidation, for which the declaration letter must be attached; in an event the company concludes activities pertaining to the authorisation, upon approval of the revision to the authorisation, or after expiry date |