R 385
Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)RegulationsRegulations regarding the Register for Learner/Student Nurses and Learner/Student Midwives3. Admission to Register |
(1) | An application for registration as a learner/student in a form determined by the Council must be lodged with the Council within the 30 days timeframe specified in section 32(3) of the Act. |
(2) | An application referred to in sub-regulation (1) must be accompanied by— |
(a) | a certified copy of the identification card or relevant page in the applicant's South Africa identity document (i.e. the page showing the applicant's photograph and identification details) or; in the case of a foreign applicant, a certified copy of the relevant page in the applicant's passport (i.e. the page showing the applicant's photograph and identification details): |
(b) | where applicable. a certified copy of the applicant's marriage certificate or an affidavit attesting to the name change due to marriage or any other reasons; |
(c) | in the case of a foreign applicant, a certified copy of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluation certification for the applicants existing qualification(s), a certified copy of the study permit issued by the Department of Home Affairs or: in case of a refugee/asylum seeker, a certified copy of the refugee/asylum seeker permit issued by the Department of Home Affairs: and |
(d) | proof of payment of the prescribed annual registration fee for learners/students in terms of Regulation (2)(1)(u) of the Regulations Regarding Fees and Fines Payable to the South African Nursing Council published under Government Notice No. R170 of 08 March 2013, as amended. |
(3) | In case of an application for a programme leading to the registration of an additional qualification, the applicant must. at the time of application, be registered as a practitioner in terms of section 31(1) of the Act (this registration must be maintained for the complete duration of the programme). |
(4) | It is the responsibility of the person in charge of the Nursing Education Institution to ensure that— |
(a) | The application referred to in sub-regulation (1) is complete, |
(b) | the documents referred to in sub-regulation (2) are authentic, and |
(c) | the application is submitted within the required timeframe. |
(5) | If an application referred to in sub-regulation (1) is lodged after expiry of the period specified in section 32 of the Act for furnishing the South African Nursing Council with the required particulars for the registration of a learner/student, the period of training will be nullified and the duration of training shall be extended by the period in excess of the specified period. |
(6) | The student must be enrolled at an accredited Nursing Education Institution and the application can be submitted by the Nursing Education Institution by electronic or other means on behalf of the applicant, provided that the requirements of sub-regulations (2), (3) and (4) are complied with |
(7) | A certificate of registration as learner/student shall be issued in a form determined by the South African Nursing Council. |
(8) | Education and training acquired whilst the learner/student is not registered with the South African Nursing Council will be rendered null and void. |