R 385
Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education and Training of a Learner Leading to the Registration in the Category Auxiliary Nurse1. Definitions |
in this schedule "the Act" means the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005), and any expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall bear such meaning and, unless the context indicates otherwise—
means a period of at least 44 weeks of learning in any calendar year;
means a structured process for gathering evidence and making judgements about a learner's performance in relation to the prescribed requirements for the programme;
"assessment method"
means the act that the assessor engages in, utilising a variety of assessment strategies;
means a practitioner registered as such with the Council who will be responsible for the assessment of the learner achievement of learning outcomes for the programme;
means a structured process by a nursing education institution to facilitate assistance and support to the learner by the nurse educator at the clinical facility to ensure the achievement of the programme outcomes;
"clinical facility"
means a continuum of services to promote health and provide care to individuals and groups, used to teach learners;
means the range of learning experiences available in a healthcare setting or other experiential learning sites for a learner to gain the requited clinical skills;
"clinical placement"
means the period spent by a learner in clinical and other experiential learning sites to ensure that the purpose of the programme is achieved;
"clinical supervision"
means the assistance and support extended to the learner by the professional nurse and staff nurse at a clinical facility with an aim of developing a competent, independent practitioner;
means the ability of a practitioner to integrate the professional attributes including, but not limited to, knowledge, skills, judgement, values and beliefs required to perform as an auxiliary nurse in all situations and practice settings;
means a fee or fees determined by the Council from time to time and published by notice in the Gazette;
"integrated assessment"
means forms of assessment which permit the learner to demonstrate applied competence and which use a range of formative and summative assessment methods;
means a person registered with the Council as a learner nurse in terms of section 32;
"learning outcomes"
means the prescribed competencies and educational outcomes for the programme;
means the process conducted by an independent moderator, which ensures that assessment of the outcomes prescribed for the programme is fair, valid and reliable;
means a practitioner registered as such with the Council who will be responsible for the moderation of assessment conducted by the nursing education institutions for the programme;
means a purposeful and structured set of earning experiences that leads to registration in the category auxiliary nurse;
"programme outcomes"
means the equivalent of the exit level outcomes of the qualification;
means a planned combination of learning outcomes with a defined purpose that is intended to provide qualifying learners with applied competence for meeting the prescribed requirements of the auxiliary nurse qualification that is registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF);
"recognition of prior learning"
means the evidence-based assessment comparison of previous learning and experience against the learning outcomes required for a specific programme and the acceptance of such previous learning for the purpose of accessing a programme; and
means a section of the Act.