R 385
Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)RegulationsRegulations Relating to the Accreditation of Institutions as Nursing Education Institutions17. Monitoring and evaluation |
(1) | The nursing education institution must conduct an annual self-assessment of its effectiveness in achieving its stated goals and outcomes in a format determined by the Council. |
(2) | The nursing education institution must submit annual returns for learner nurses in a manner determined by the Council. |
(3) | The Council may conduct a focus visit to further investigate any areas of poor performance or concerns identified from the annual institutional self-assessment reports. |
(4) | The Council must periodically conduct an audit of a nursing education institution and such audit must be conducted by independent auditors appointed by the Council. |
(5) | The Council must appoint a panel of independent auditors, based on their knowledge, experience and skills in terms of nursing education and quality assessment. |
(6) | The audit report must be compiled and submitted to the Council by the audit team within thirty (30) days of the audit visit. |