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Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)RegulationsRegulations Relating to the Accreditation of Institutions as Nursing Education Institutions18. Transitional provisions |
(1) | Unless the Council decides otherwise, provisional accreditation may be granted to a nursing education institution that was approved to provide nursing education and training in terms of regulations made under the Nursing Act, 1978 (Act No. 50 of 1978), provided that— |
(a) | provisional accreditation is granted for a period not exceeding five (5) years; |
(b) | the dates for provisional accreditation contemplated in subregulation (1)(a) must be determined and published in a government notice by the Council; and |
(c) | during the period of provisional accreditation, the institution must demonstrate that it can meet the Council's prescribed accreditation requirements, criteria and standards for nursing education and training. |
(2) | The nursing education institution must be assessed by the Council for reaccreditation at the end of the provisional accreditation period. |
(3) | The application for reaccreditation must reach the Council by the end of the first month of the last year of the accreditation period. |
(4) | The application must be accompanied by the prescribed accreditation fee. |
(5) | The institution is required to submit an institutional self-assessment and a completed institutional portfolio of evidence that demonstrates the institution's performance over the provisional accreditation period and any further information that may be determined or requested by the Council. |
(6) | The Council assessment of the nursing education institution must include the annual self-assessment reports received from the institution for the duration of the provisional accreditation period. |
(7) | The Council may conduct an audit visit or a focus visit to a nursing education institution that applies for reaccreditation. |
(8) | The Council must make a decision to reaccredit the nursing education institution based on the institution's performance and compliance with the Council's prescribed accreditation requirements. criteria and standards for nursing education and training. |
(9) | Failure on the part of a nursing education institution to apply for reaccreditation in the prescribed manner must cause the institution's accreditation to be withdrawn in terms of regulation 15. |
(10) | If a nursing education institution is not reaccredited, it may not continue to provide nursing education and training and must comply with the requirements of regulation 14(2). |